Someone please advise. It's been 4 weeks since circumcision. Erection not a problem but I can't cum while masturbating. Tried many times still nothing. Have you experienced the same or do I have another problem
Masturbating after circumcision - Men's Health Foru...
Masturbating after circumcision

Im at 5 weeks today, experiencing the same. Although im having to work out a new way to do it. I think its just gonna take time. My shaft skin near the cut line swells alot when im erect, so its a bit awkward. As far as ive read on here i think its normal to not cum as easy after circumcision, at least i hope so
An adult circumcision takes at least 6-8 weeks to fully heal. Whilst many can masturbate satisfactorily after 4 weeks, not all can do so. A lot also depends on why you got circumcised. If it was for phimosis or balanitis then things can take longer.
You need to learn a new technique, which can be difficult, especially as one gets older and has become very comfortable with one particular method - usually involving the foreskin.
Whilst overall circumcision doesn't usually make masturbation any more difficult, it does remove some sexually sensitive nerves so it can take longer to reach orgasm - but that is commonly more intense when it comes!
Give it time and you should be perfectly ok.
Can you tell me the difference between Phymosis and Balanitis ?
Phimosis is the condition in which the opening at the tip of the foreskin is too small to pass freely and painlessly over the rim of the glans, whether flaccid or erect.
Balanitis is an inflammation of or under the foreskin due to some form of infection.
Very often, balanitis is the result of not being able to maintain proper daily hygiene because of phimosis stopping you retracting the foreskin freely.
Take it easy, don’t force anything so you don’t make any infections on the inner skin. It takes time, masturbate in order to stretch the skin but if you can’t finish don't do it that often.
you need to reconnect your mind to sensation other than foreskin.
since you are on week 4, I suggest you find a quiet time and place, put a lot of lube onto your palm, close your eyes and stimulate your glans only.
focus your mind on sensation, get used to it. treat orgasm as bonus.

To all that replied thank you for your advise. It made me feel a lot better. Im not so worried now.

I'm a little embarased to ask but how do you find a new technique after 50 yrs
if you touch yourself long enough, you'll know it's not technique, it's basically just revolving around stimulating sensitive parts of your body. whatever tools or how strong you do it will depend on yourself. only you can find sensitive spots on your body, the easiest will be penis, but in reality there are much more.
btw, how is it going? have you found the connection between your mind and your new phallus?

You are absolutely right in using my mind more. Still havent climaxed but it does get me closer. I just get tiered. I guess trial and error and more practice will help.
one tips:
do it in quiet dark room in the middle of the night, isolation effect.
it will be just your mind focusing on glans sensation.
like I said, try putting generous amount of lube on your palm, grab the base of penis shaft with 2 fingers if your other hand, "brush" your glans onto lubed palm by wiggling your penis with the said fingers, you can combine it by moving your palm.
feel free to share or ask here, no need to be embarrassed, good luck mate.
Do you have any swelling still? It’s normal for the puffy swollen tissue to make it difficult for nerves under the skin to be stimulated. Sensation will get better over time as things heal and the swelling goes down. Sex for me was not back to “normal” for me until around 12 weeks.
There is so many reason for this now think of it
Some parts of ur penis was giving u pleasure this parts ar no longer there so it will take some little time to adjust b4 things was going from penis to brain now things change alittle to more fun trust me now the game is from brain to penis brain must think of ur erections u need to be more relaxed and breath well while u masturbate it will work it’s just a diffrent method will take some time to get used to it try ur nipples u will notice they work magic now
Waiting for ur feedback on my tips and tricks
I used a lot of lube and 2 fingers: one on top of my head and one under it and stroked just the head and underside of the ridge. I avoided the scar completely. Porn helped put my mind in the right "place." It felt great. And yes, I exploded.
Take it easy massage it be gentle use wash cloths you keep in the fridge to bring healthy blood flow.