Hey guys, I had has this painful lesion thing for about a month along with painful urination. I have tried 2 types of steroid creams, 3 kinds of anitfungals. Nothing seems to help it. My familiy doctor thinks it Balanitis. I went to a dermatologist and she thought it was Zoon's but only did a swab to check for bacteria and fungas (still waiting on results). I have an appointment with the urologist in 2 weeks and am going to try another dermatologist. I'm worried it could be BXO or maybe even cancer. Any thoughts?
Zoons Balanitis? - not responding to ... - Men's Health Foru...
Zoons Balanitis? - not responding to treatments

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I can only imagine how that condition hurts. Can you keep your foreskin retracted? When the moisture condition change that can solve the issue without any surgical move. I'll may try to cover the glans with a piece of hydrocolloid like Duoderm extra thin etc.
Thanks S2. I do find it feels a bit better when I expose the glands. When not exposed they tend to develop a clear sticky film almost like it's sweating. I feel like the constant moisture is not letting it heal but it's difficult to spend long periods of time with my foreskin back due to work, family life etc... Will look into the Duoderm. Thanks
Is your glans too sensitive, if try to use some skin tape like Micropore to keep you foreskin retracted.
well yes my glands are very sensitive. I can try to live with that a bit i guess but the other problem is the area that has the lesion is very very sensitive so I usually try to air it out naked for a hour or so a day but that doesn't seem long enough
Hi, sorry man that looks very sore. it does look like zoon's you should definitely see another dermatologist. has your doctor discussed having a circumcision? I think it is something you should be considering. definitely see the urologist as soon as possible.
Brings back memories. Have you been on antibiotics recently and/or do you wash with soap?

Yes. Do u think that contributed to it? Were u able to recover
Antibiotics kill off bacteria, unfortunately friendly or useful bacteria gets taken down as well without discrimination. Bacteria on your skin feeds on and counterbalances fungus which is also present. What you probably have is likely caused by fungal infection.
Not sure about Zoon’s Balanitis but you might research Candida Balanitis. I was a ‘frequent flyer’ and personally found that anti-fungals often didn’t work, prolonged it or made it worse. My best resolution was leaving it dry (exposed).
The good news is that this could be the only time you get it so once cleared should be fine. Live yogurt is good after taking antibiotics BTW as it replenishes the healthy bacteria in the gut. Hope this helps.

Yogurt can also be applied inside the foreskin.
I would ask for valtrex.
Hi man, I have similar condition. Wash after each wee, dry and use Epaderm afterwards or Vaseline or coconut oil. I had a urologist and prof dermatologist suggested wee left on your skin is like wood on fire for the condition. Keep it clean after each wee no soap only water, I use soap free washing detergent and pretty much everything I use fragrance free soap free whatever touches my skin. Circumcision should help but try to avoid as long as you can. Epaderm is a steroid free moisturiser not a medication.
Your foreskin doesn't seem to be effected. I had my foreskin really bad and then the glans effected. As long as you can keep the glans tidy and manageable with steroid creams and epaderm I would say avoid the Circumcision. If your foreskin is effected you probably should have surgery.
Might be balanitis but can also be bacterial. Ive had a long lasting skin condition too, if you got any questions message me. Hope you get better
I had a same problem... Carefully do what i did... Keep the forskine retracted... Apply virgin coconut oil... Thats all and try fluconazole tablet one in five days... Trust me it will make difference... U can ask me by personally message i will guide u through
UPDATE** - Finally getting better. Here is what I am doing. So I stopped using any creams at all. I really thing excessive steroid cream use contributed to make this worse and had made my penis glans skin very weak and sensative. Anyway I was also washing it 3 times a day. Instead now I wash it only once a day and don't wash off any of the residue on the lesion. This seems to be there to help it heal and then basically pull the foreskin back all night and as much as I can during the day but don't feel comfortable doing it at work. Id say its probably 50% better already after only doing this for 3 days or so. But I am still considering doing a circumcision as this is the 3rd Balanitis episodide in the 3 months they are getting more intense and harder to control so I am very fearful of having sex or masturbating as this could set off another episode.
I don't normally post in here but thought I would give my 2 cents worth. Some of the clinical history is suggestive of plasma cell ( Zoons ) balanitis , but looking at the pic, with Zoons you usually have matching areas of erythema ( redness ) on the foreskin and I cant see that. There is a wide differential for this, including even conditions like eczema ( I don't know how long you used topical steroid for ) but I think this needs a biopsy - to exclude Penile intraepithelial neoplasia - and to guide proper management. This is not herpes as one poster suggested and it is not candida . I think the urologist appointment is absolutely appropriate.
Thanks properdoc for taking the time. I am going to urologist today. I am now worried about it being pre cancerous PIN. I hope it's not. It seems strange to me that if it was PIN that simply exposing it to air would heal it. But I have health and cancer phobias so I will try not to let me head spin worrying about this.
There are many possibilities . But sometimes only a biopsy will tell you the answer and guide towards the right treatment Remember even PIN is a treatable condition. Fingers crossed for you
This looks serious. Any problem with smegma building up? Looks like a couple of loose pieces clinging to your inner foreskin where it is retracted. Thank you for posting.
just wanted to post a quick update. Finally saw a urologist and he took one look and said it looks like your body is fighting an infection as the lesion had some fluid coming out of it. He pulled back a small redspot on my forskin and saw what looked like 2 small pimples. he is pretty sure this is genital herpes. I am waiting for test results but in the mean time it has improved so much almost like 85% gone. The more i let it air out and scab over the faster it heals. Doc seems to think the Balanitis I had earlier and all the treatments I was using could have weakend my immune system. Its been a terrible 4 weeks but glad to see it's finally clearing up. I still have some pain and sensitivity as it's not totally gone yet but looks like it's on it's way out.
Did it go in the end and was it herpes? It looks like circinate balanitis which often follows chlaymydial infection, you mentioned pain while passing urine which is indicative of urethritis which is common in men with chlamydia. Circinate balanitis is also associated with joint pain, have you had pain in knees or ankles?
hey guys, i wanted to provide another update in case this helps others. I've come to realize the foreskin and skin on the glans are very very sensative. I think my condition was brought on by excessive steroid creame use causing the skin to become thinner and then when I masterbated it cased a tear. I even got steroid creame in the urine hole and that cause me tons of pain. Please use all treatments with a very thin layer and nothing near or in the hole. Also try to avoid long term steroid creme use if possible. Use air and warm water as main treatments. Maybe thing layer of vasaline for dryness. I am feeling much better now