Hi I was wondering and just wanted some feed back on what I should do I am a 17 year old male and have pearly penile papules I consulted my doctor and he said that I could have a Circumcision done and that would get rid of the ppp do you all think I should do it ?
Should i have Circumcision done in or... - Men's Health Foru...
Should i have Circumcision done in order to remove ppp

Did you ask him/her for other option?
Hmm to be homest the ppp will still be there after you get circumcised. Usually you have to have a procedure and have them removed with a laser. There for having the forskin removed will just leave you cut with ppp
I don't know why the doc told you a sort of BS. There is no relation in PPP and circumcision. The latter won't magically remove the papules. Don't worry they are just normal thing.
So you don't need circumcision if you just like to have those papules removed. Just like @Gloomy said.
FYI: On the other hand we all haven't those at all. I never had them.
Right, if the PPP are on the foreskin then of course removing the foreskin by circumcision will remove the PPP with it. There is no easy way to remove PPP themselves, except they can sometimes be zapped with a laser - but this may leave scars.
If the PPP are other than on the foreskin then getting a circumcision will have no effect on them - although they may be easier to laser off if there is no foreskin in the way!
Circumcision is proven to give many health and sexual benefits in itself, so if it is desirable to remove the foreskin before treating PPP then you get two benefits for the price of one!
PPP are actually totally harmless, but they can be unsightly and you may wish to deal with them just for this reason.
The ppp are on the glands of my penis so that’s why I was unsure if the Circumcision was the best thing for me but now that I think of it I don’t know if I should have it because so many are saying that it won’t get rid of the ppp
No? They are completely normal and basically everyone have them. I have them on my glans, should I cut my glans off?
This might help: pcds.org.uk/clinical-guidan...
The circumcision reduced my PPP but the only way to remove them is the laser treatment.

By a lot or a little

But you lost sexual pleasure as a result.
Those papules are on your glans corona?
Now you know your anatomy. Do you still think that circumcision is what should be done if you like to get rid of those papules?
I help you a bit: no.
You shouldn't have a circumcision. Have you read the risk section?
Does ppp hurt? Is the only issue the way it looks? If it's about the way it looks and nothing else then I don't think an operation is the best way.
I got this done.. still healing from circumcision and believe it or not.. noone can tell I have ppp.. they are actually still there but even I can't see them if I am not in shower. I had very lose skin which only covered the Corona and so there were many PPP and that made me depressed and I decided to take matters into my hand and got this done. They are gone now but I am still not happy because of various things.
1st. Doctor gave mr the cut similar to what most Jewish people have.. I wanted a more relaxed cut. Since I never had enough skin to cover my glans.. I don't think my sensitivity is affected and since I have never used hands to masturbate so I don't know if it made masturbation difficult.
2nd. I am not happy cause healing time is long and skin on side still puffy.. it can take long time for things to settle and seeing half assed healing makes me sad and anxious.
3rd. Flaccid length is increased.
Now the plus point of surgery:
1st. PPP gone.
2nd. Since my skin was very loose.. I love the tight feeling.
3rd. I can join any religion I want lol but I am atheist
4th. My favourite pornstar is cut in a similar fashion.. (I am gay) and my boyfriend likes my penis.
Now why I go for this? It's because my parents wanna force me to marriage and seeing these PPP depressed me alot. There are more option to remove it.. but it's expensive and I have meet to guys online who opt for co2 laser removal and they returned in their particular case.. I wanted something solid and besides.. laser on my penis head is more dangerous to me they getting the cut on my shaft and since alot of men Go through circumcision.. my parents agreed.
How happy I am? Apart from healing.. I am ok. It still looks the safe because I never had enough skin and even the doctor said I don't need it.. sensitivity is still as it was.. gliding action is missing though.. if you use hands.. you will feel more pleasure in the head and the shaft if you too have loose skin.
Good luck to you.
Sorry coming in late, id'e save the Hood at all cost's, So many are getting cut and regretting it, lose so much pleasure (Fact) !
I don't agree with Zappa61 and his (Fact)! I have no regrets, I only wish I had done it sooner than at age 27. As for loss of pleasure, I started being sexually active at 15 and I experienced none of the loss of pleasure these anti circ people go on about. My foreskin did nothing as far as pleasure is concerned, it is all my glans and the top part of the shaft. But I did not have any foreskin problems, when my penis was erect the foreskin was fully retracted, its length being fully taken by the increased erect length.
Now, PPP. That I can talk about as I had PPP. These pink papules were all on and under the corona of the penis. Very embarrassing especially as most women are not used to seeing them on the penis. Doctors will tell you PPP is a normal variation and nothing to worry about as they are harmless. However I am sure most male doctors with PPP would get rid of them as fast as they could. As I was circumcised by choice at 27 and with PPP, I can say that my PPP did disappear fairly quickly after I was circumcised. Laser removal was not an option back then, it did not exist yet, and it is an expensive procedure.