What style circumcision should i go for? - Men's Health Foru...

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What style circumcision should i go for?

DanMan93 profile image
81 Replies

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I have decided to get circumcised in a few weeks for personal preference but am unsure what style i should get? I like the idea of going tight but i worry about it being to tight, although im not very big i am more of a grower and worry about it being to tight.

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DanMan93 profile image
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81 Replies

Can't you pull bit more to open the full glans ?

DanMan93 profile image
DanMan93 in reply to

No thats as far as it goes

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply toDanMan93

It looks extremely tight, and you don't want the foreskin getting trapped behind the glans, where you wouldn't be able to pull it back. This is exactly the kind of situation, where the anti-circumcision people will tell you to keep stretching it forever, and not get circumcised.

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCircedandlovingit

tried stretching myself mate not convinced it works.

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply toanon2508

I tried stretching and what ended up happening was a huge amount of excess skin at the base of the penis during sex. I had to either hold it back, or wear a constriction ring to keep it out of the way. Circumcision solved the problem, and the sex is awesome.

Check all the info. Look at all the pics and see what you prefer. Since your last post I have put up posts showing my penis both erect and flaccid so take a look and see what you like. I suspect if you are a grower then mine would be too tight for you when flaccid but you could have it as tight as mine when erect.

Congratulations on your decision. Your foreskin looks tight, so there should be a big improvement. High and loose, or high and somewhat loose looks great, and can be modified later if you don't like the extra skin left behind. I had a high, and very loose one done 14 weeks ago and love it. Not sure if I'll have any more skin removed. Talk to your Urologist/Surgeon about it, and ask them about the different styles.

Rijoy profile image
Rijoy in reply toCircedandlovingit

I also think that high and loose cut is better instead of tight,atleast modarate.

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCircedandlovingit

can only high be modified to low and not vice versa ? what about tight to loose or loose to tight ?

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply toanon2508

A high cut still has the at least some of the inner foreskin left. There needs to be enough outer foreskin left to remove some of the inner to make it a lower cut. Loose can be made tighter by removing some skin, but once it's been tightly cut, that's it.

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply toanon2508

I'm soon going to have my high and loose cut made a little tighter, but not too much. I will ask the doctor to keep as much of the inner foreskin as possible, and mostly just remove some of the outer.

in reply toCircedandlovingit

I have a high and tight circumcision, but it was cut too tight. Just keep in mind that your skin needs to be loose enough to fit your penis. but it sounds like you have a good idea on exactly what you want which is a great thing when it comes to getting cut

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply to

have they said if they can do anything to help mate ?

in reply toanon2508

I was actually cut at birth so theres not anything I can do once someone like me has gotten such a tight cut. Thankfully my eregenous zone along my shaft is quite large, but the worst part of it was when I started having erections during adolescence, the skin had to stretch some and it still causes a little discomfort sometimes even though im in my 20s. So that’s all I was saying is just make sure the doctor doesn’t make the cut too tight.

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCircedandlovingit

i take it you still have plenty skim fully erect.is this annoying ?

MrMac99 profile image

Hi Man, look up all the info you can although I'm sure you already have. go through some of the posts here and see what you think it looks like your foreskin is quite tight when erect? Ask your urologist-surgeon advice if he is experienced he should have a good idea of the best cut for you. I have a low and tight cut.

xhardwarex profile image

It really comes down to personal preference. I like the appearance and feel of high and tight. I too am a grower and wanted a tighter circ; if the surgeon is experienced, they should be able to accommodate for growth with no issues - I'm not drum-tight when erect, but the skin movement is what I'd call minimal. From everything I had read, I also wanted a higher cut, as I think it gives a little better sensation to retain more inner foreskin - I've got about 30 mm when erect and I'm happy with that. I would suggest getting your frenulum removed - I didn't and it ended up too tight, as in slightly painful when erect and it pulled down on the tip of my penis. I ended up having to get it untethered in a separate procedure, and it would have been much easier had it been done with my circ. I think you said in your earlier post that you were working with Dr Kahn - based on his outcomes I've seen here, I'd say he should be able to give you exactly what you're looking for. Good luck!

Here we go again. Getting circumcised takes away your manhood, so you shouldn't have it done, so as to keep your manhood. Many men circumcised as adults, including myself, feel that the sensations are greater after being circumcised. Many things that are beneficial come with a certain degree of risk. Most professionals in the medical field say, the risks to a healthy male are minimal.

At1012 profile image

I would get a high and loose circumcision. This will leave you enough skin for a complete erection. There is a coverage index chart for foreskin and I would get a CI-4 circumcision. I think it’s the most attractive in both flaccid and erect states:


Crash2000 profile image
Crash2000 in reply toAt1012

I am C-9 and looking for getting circumcised to get at C-4

welshmk profile image

Mine was done high and the inner skin between the shaft and head is more sensitive but it depends on your preference. For tightness it shouldn’t effect your erections. Mine was done tight and it worked out good overall.

He says he wants to get circumcised for personal preference. That’s up to him. It’s probably been a difficult decision and now most of us just want to encourage and support him.

I have read those posts. So, just because there are men who say they are unhappy with the results of their circumcision, we should all become intactivists and discourage anyone from getting circumcised, except in the most extreme cases? Clearly, you have something against circumcision, and see no benefits to it whatsoever. From reading your posts, I've noticed you've been rude and demeaning to some of the recently circumcised men here, those who have questions about their own circumcision, as though they were idiots for getting circumcised in the first place.

uncutforeskin profile image

Personally, I love the photo of your penis with your foreskin just the way it is. But do as you please. Thank you for posting the photo.

Ire_cali profile image

Was a great decision for me. I don't know what style you call it but I can still masturbate without lube. So right in between high and tight and low and loose I guess. I love the way mine came out. Does yours hurt being that tight?

DanMan93 profile image
DanMan93 in reply toIre_cali

It doesnt really hurt, i just find it ugly

Ire_cali profile image
Ire_cali in reply toDanMan93

Lol I hear you man. That's why I had it done. I did it because it looks better.

Bestmilkman profile image

Go high and tight

Trying to help is fine, and so is expressing a different opinion, but you seem to always bring in your anti-circumcision view points to make circumcised guys feel bad, and confuse the ones considering getting circumcised.

Many of the problems guys are having here, require a visit to a medical doctor. I'm not a health care professional, and would prefer not to give any medical advice . You have an anti-circumcision agenda, and provide disinformation much of the time to just about everyone who comes here seeking advice on circumcision

Many times, the guys have already tried other methods to solve their problems like stretching, and it hasn't worked. I suggest someone read as much as they can about the risks and benefits,. Seems like you don't think there are any benefits to circumcision, and it's idiotic if someone wants one for cosmetic reasons.

Intactivists like you have a hatred of circumcision itself.

I could have used some support like what I'm giving the guys here when I was considering my circumcision. I kept putting it off, and canceling appointment with the Urologists because of all the negativity the intactivists had been writing about on the internet. I almost didn't have it done. My girlfriend finally stepped in after seeing what I had been reading about on the intactivist web sites. She's a nurse at a major hospital, and knew about the crazyness of the intactivists, and the disinformation they had been spreading. She witnessed some of the protests with guys in white pants with a red blotch on them, carrying signs and trying to intimidate the medical staff and others who didn't share their views.

anton999 profile image

Get High and tight if urologist can do it for you, I’ve noticed though alot of us adults get ‘low and tight’ style in the end. I also wanted to get high and tight but my urologist did low and tight... it’s good though I like it

Both of the high cuts are great. One leaves some extra skin that some men like, and the other does everything in one procedure, so you won't ever need a revision.

I've received a lot of private messages here, from guys thanking me for discussing things like circumcision styles, and giving them encouragement. You are very wrong about me being sad. I'm loving being circumcised, and very pleased about it.

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCircedandlovingit

what style do you advise ? what are your thoughts on low cut ?

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply toanon2508

It's a personal preference but I like a high cut. I like the look and feel of having some inner foreskin. With a loose cut you can always go for a revision which is what I'm going to do, I don't want it too tight, but some guys are happy with a tight cut, just not excessively tight, if there is such a thing.

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCircedandlovingit

so you would advise going loose first of all.leaves room for adjusting.

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply toanon2508

I can't really advise one way of the other. I was hoping to only have to go once and it it ended being too loose for me, although loose isn't bad at all. Talk with the doctor, and see what they have to say, maybe get a second opinion.

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCircedandlovingit

as a grower should anything be ruled out ?

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply toanon2508

Mention it to the doctor. They need to be careful about cutting off too much.

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCircedandlovingit

would that mean lower and looser suits best ?

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply toanon2508

Not necessarily. You could go high and loose, or high and medium tight.

anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCircedandlovingit

so it is the tightness not the high or low that matters !

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply toanon2508


anon2508 profile image
anon2508 in reply toCircedandlovingit

if you go tight right away no going back ?

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply toanon2508

Yes, It's not easy going back.

Seems like you want to spread the intactivist, anti-circumcision view point here, and don't want anyone to challenge it.

I challenge intactivists and others with an agenda spreading mis and disinformation. I've always said men considering circumcision should be fully informed about it. You, and the other intactivists here are the ones with the one sided views, waiting and lurking on the forum for the first chance to say something negative about circumcision, especially to newly circumcised men who are concerned about the healing process, and other issues that are common after the procedure. You want them to say it was a big mistake getting circumcised, to promote your anti-circumcision position.

I have in the past, listed links here to circumcision information web sites, such as this one. It takes a neutral position, is science based, and doesn't use scare tactics to discourage anyone from getting circumcised.


High/tight 👌 best style for hygiene and very aesthetically pleasing 😉

in reply to

My sons are high and tight and are very happy with it.

As I said above it’s about support. I completely agree that people should know all the facts both for and against circumcision. But if they’ve made the decision to get circumcised then they need support and I’m not going to stop giving people that support. I have also received lots of messages here thanking me for support. I re dived a message from someone the other day who is keen to get circumcised and the majority of what I wrote was about potential problems and how it might not look exactly how they want it. But I also pointed out the good side rather than telling them not to do it.


Community Atmosphere:

The Men's Health Forum (Penis Chat) Community is a safe, supportive, informative, and friendly community for people affected by penis health concerns. Your participation in this community should be with respect, honesty and in the spirit of supporting and learning from fellow users.


Although you may be honest, I don’t see you giving much respect, you’re hardly supporting fellow users and merely dismiss the support given by others as “back slapping”. You’re certainly not prepared to learn from others, if you did then you’d start to understand their motivations.

If you’re on a crusade to save foreskins then I suggest that maybe you’re on the wrong forum for that. Everyone here is (or should be) over 16 and it’s within their gift to find out “information” for themselves.

Perhaps you’d be better off lurking on Mumsnet or similar where new mums and mums-to-be frequently ask where to get their baby boys circumcised for non-medical reasons. You might be doing those boys a favour.

in reply to

Well said.

Circedandlovingit profile image
Circedandlovingit in reply to

I can imagine him leading an army into battle, to help save the foreskins!

Atheo profile image
Atheo in reply toCircedandlovingit

I really don't understand his issue. He's always on about stretching. Stretching doesn't always work. My foreskin would split and bleed with the slightest movement, it was agony. I couldn't see my glans at all, even when I had a piss it would sting like hell. Stretching was not an option. I went to the doctor who referred me to a urologist and I got circumcised. It was the best decision I could have made. No more splitting, bleeding skin, I can piss like normal now without it spraying everywhere, I have not lost any sensitivity, sex is so much better... enjoyable and pain-free. I couldn't be happier and I was so miserable about it before I got circd. So NOWHARD, was I still wrong to have had it done? If I had listened to the advice you give I would still be in the same situation and in agony. You are wrong because you don't seem to understand that not everyone is the same and your only advice is stretching does not work for everyone.

in reply toAtheo

@Atheo, Great to hear that you got your problem resolved successfully and you’re pleased with outcome. Good to hear a positive.

You’re absolutely right that trying to stretch can be painful and can exacerbate the condition in some cases. There also comes a point where it’s apparent it isn’t going to work. However this isn’t understood by a certain individual.

This link might help explain why no one will change his views


Atheo profile image
Atheo in reply to

There is one thing I regret though, and that's not getting it done sooner! I think we all deserve a "pat or slap on the back" 😂 And that's for anyone who got their problem resolved however way they chose to go about it!

in reply toAtheo

Yeah, same here, wish it were sooner. I suffered recurrent thrush and balanitis for around 20 years before being circumcised. Since being fixed I’ve had added benefit of not getting the UTIs and bladder infections I used to get and can even sleep through the night more often now as a result of a bladder I no longer feel.

in reply toAtheo

That is brilliant and I was in the same boat as you i been to he'll and back and what you have said above is bang on the mark well said

Atheo profile image
Atheo in reply to

Almost 2 years since my op and my opinion/view hasn't changed. It was the best decision I could have made and as I said before, my only regret was not doing it sooner. I lived with it for so long and it was hell just because I was so worried and nervous about going to the Dr. Turns out there was absolutely nothing to be worried about 😀

timmyboy20 profile image

I've been circumcised high and tight and I really like it. I can only recommend it!

I'm afraid you're wrong - I'm *not* pro-circumcision, I'm pro-choice.

1. If guys want to have a tattoo, get a body piercing or have their penis circumcised then it's up to them and I respect their choice.

2. I do not agree with RIC or even religious circumcisions done to babies (sorry guys, no offence).

3. I do have respect for those that have wrestled with a medical condition and having exhausted alternatives opt to go with their doctor or urologist's recommendation.

You demonstrate no respect or empathy for any of the above.

Where are you thinking of getting your circumcision performed?

DanMan93 profile image
DanMan93 in reply to

Thornhill circumcision in Luton, it seems to have good recommendations

in reply toDanMan93

I would strongly recommend them. Dr Kahn does amazing work 👍

Turkey4xmas profile image

What do you mean by a “grower” sorry just contemplating circumcision so want to read lots of opinions on what cut to get etc

“A man who is a "grower" has a penis that is very small when it is soft”

Excuse me? Please rephrase that.

Turkey4xmas profile image

Thanks I’m definitely a grower lol what do you mean by the last paragraph? There won’t be enough skin to cover the erect penis???

Sojoguy profile image

I went mine for Low tight which is good but I would try High loose if I were you.

wlm9700 profile image

Mines high and loose and I like it that way.

bazza13 profile image

Leave as much skin as possible. You can always have more removed if you want but you cannot replace it.

Nigel5975 profile image

Go for a high scarline placement (further away from head, keeping more inner foreskin) but have a medium skin-fit (tightness)

High and tight and low and loose are on opposite ends of the spectrum with options in between on the sliding scale. You have a high style with a loose fit and you can have a low style with a tight or loose fit.

Dont do it if u dont have to. I really wish I had mine!

uncutforesk profile image

I agree that it looks tight. You have a BEAUTIFUL foreskin.

anon2508 profile image

what did you go for mate ? how has it been for you ?

anon2508 profile image

you been done mate ?

aksh11 profile image

do for semi loose cut . its the best for masturbating also , otherwise there wont be excess skin left for self help.

Rikk profile image

I recommend a low and tight circumcision and keep your frenulum, I had that done few years ago and best decision I ever made so much more sensitive and pleasurable

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