21 day post circumcision circumcision I’m feeling a numb an sharp pain in my frenulum area have anyone every experience this feeling........
21 day post circumcision circumcision... - Men's Health Foru...
21 day post circumcision circumcision I’m feeling a numb an sharp pain in my frenulum area have anyone every experience this feeling........

I cannot understand how you can be numb and have a sharp pain at the same time??

if the the bottom of my penis rub my under wear I get a sharp pain in my frenulum area an when I touch it then if feels numb
I have the similar issue, when it touches something there is a sharp pin point pain. I think it is still healing so nerve endings are sensitive. Please post any update you get from your doctor.
You mean numb compared to before or numb as in you can't feel anything?
You really need to see a doctor urgently.
I think I get what you are saying. I'm at day 21 also. It feels weird. Like when I touch the head area, the sensation seems like it should be more. I'm guessing it just takes some time to adjust. The frenulum area is still healing from what I can tell. I'm guessing that takes the longest from reading the other post
Hey, i am having the exactly same issue.
I am at day 15, please tell if you feel any progress now.
Good Morning, I am at 61 days. I can tell you that the frenulum component was the most difficult. The sharp pain and numbness make complete sense. An absorbable suture was placed at the base of the frenulum, it is the last one to usually get absorbed, well, at least it was in my case. In fact, sometimes they absorb and sometimes they begin to come out, usually yellow/beige colored. For me, that particular suture came out yesterday, and thank god. Since yesterday, the sharpness has completed disappeared, however, there is still sensitivity. Our bodies are all unique and we all had to have this done for different to similar reasons and each with zero to multiple underlying conditions or chronic illness.
What my surgeon told me isn’t necessarily what occurred, but, as a health care professional myself, I know full well how that can be.
Your sharp pain and numbness are exactly what I experience in the same region. Keep the area clean and dry, don’t pull at anything you see, even if you see the suture, let it come out naturally...(you may never see it), but just know its all good...