How long to wait to smoke after circumcision?
Smoking after circumcision? - Men's Health Foru...
Smoking after circumcision?

Usually about two years
Personally, I would recommend the rest of your life. If you’ve managed to stop for now, why re-start?? No insults intended. Lost a few friends to the big C over the years is all
Use the nicotine patch instead.
Hi do your self a big favour and don't start I have gave up 28 years ago 20 a,day best thing I have did I am 60 now now a fit but I would not have been if I carried on smoking good luck
Yeah I chose not to smoke I guess that would be best option. But is there a time limit regardless?
Smoking slows the healing process alot , do not smoke for at least 6 - 9 months if you want proper recovery , i personally quit smoking after making the circumcision so i'm only doing electric .
As soon as you leave the clinic!!! Seriously, I did that and it was all fine but if you can give up then big congratulations.
I only have 1 cigar a week I enjoy it I’m a week and 2 days post surgery. I don’t intend on quitting but I’d like to know how long to wait before I can have one. It’s up to the person if they want to smoke. I don’t consider myself a smoker
I smoked Vape for the last 2 weeks. I had my circumcision exactly 2 weeks ago. Guess what... Everything looks good... No swollen parts, it looks WAY better then every other pictures I have seen on internet at 2 weeks. No stress if you're eating healthy and your body feels good... I think it's okay haha. I can still run 10km btw. Smoked 35 a day for 3 years.