It stings and it does not get any better. I have emailed my doctor and he Said that we could have a time on monday but I have asked if there is any possibility to get an earlier appointment because im worried how this Will end up if I wait with treating it for the whole weekend.
Yeah, pretty sure it is infected. - Men's Health Foru...
Yeah, pretty sure it is infected.
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Doesn’t look infected. Looks like what many experienced here. Bruised all to hell and swollen too. Obviously you should see your doctor to be sure but monday is probably safe. For pain, get Tylenol or acetaminophen. Don’t take aspirin or ibuprofen or naproxen because they thin your blood some which will make the bruising worse. Your penis has had a major trauma and swelling with bruising is how your body deals with it. Just like if you get punched in the face. Or smash a finger. Wet an ice cube and gently slide it around the worst parts. No pressure. Just want the cold. It takes time and everyone is different. Hang in there.
I passed similar stage but didn’t post my images so u won’t find them can send u on privet msg if u want
Bro, again cause it’s gonna hurt , tell me any surgery where you get cut and stitched up is not gonna hurt ? If there’s no bad smell or yellow puss you’re good to go , wait till Monday and see how it is ,
You are gonna make yourself ill with all this worrying, relax
Any bruise will sting especially on the penis which is delicate, chill bro
I don't see any infect. A bit of bruising and swelling.
Hi don't think you have infection if you can clean with salt water if not put vasalene on it old school but it does help take paracetamol every 4 hours have plenty to drink it will calm down hang in there mate
I have some thick yellow stuff on my would now, i’ll post a picture so you guys can see what I mean. And thank for all the nice replies and answers by the way, really appreciate all of you