Evening all I had my vasectomy just over a year ago, I think my testicles now hang lower than the did before, has anyone ever experienced this? I’d be grateful for any thoughts and experiences of others. Thanks
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Post vasectomy hang
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They look ok to me
Hi, they look fine it's normal for one to hang lower, you don't have any discomfort or pain.
I know that I’ve always had one hanging lower than the other, but I think they seem more ‘hangy’ but it may be in my head.... No more pain than before so that’s reassuring

Even if they are hanging lower it's perfectly normal looking and it's of no harm to you Man 👍
Love your foreskin!
It is quite normal
your looks ok, I think that all men have one that hangs lower. Get out and check other guys out.
They look completely normal to me mate some guys and me as well would die to have balls like that they are fabulous mate ive got quite small balls but even in the summer they tend to hang lower you should keep them shaved your partner will love those. If you are ready worried about them pop down the doctors but im sure he will say there normal.
one ball does hang lower than the other one..fact
Balls look good to me mate, nice and loose, plus a good size bud 👍
They look very normal to me. But, if you feel they are not. Check with your doctor. After all you know better than anybody.
It is normal for one to hang lower and they will drop slightly with age.
The testicles hang from the scrotal ligament, not the vas deferenses, so a vasectomy has no effect upon how testicles hang.
Thanks Jim that’s a good explanation thanks
Looks great to me!
I had a vasectomy 45 years ago and have not noticed that my scrotum hangs any lower. They have shrived in size which at my age of 84 is probably normal. Rolf1
Yes, part of the support for the testicles has been cut away.
Yeah. Mine hang low but I haven’t had a vasectamy and one is lower than the other
Mine have never really hung very low.
I’ve noticed after my vasectomy that they don’t retract fully when I orgasm.
They used to tuck up right inside my body but after the op they always hang out slightly.
When my wife discovered this she was worried until I told her that there was no pain or discomfort.
I think I fully retract when I orgasm, have to admit never noticed.... I’ll have to check..... thanks

My wife used to love it when my balls retracted. She knew that I was about to cum.
Nice I’m intrigued now, thanks

You can investigate and report back.
Look good and healthy to me bro
It looks perfect, great to see a uncut penis.
I think its normal, a mate of mine had a vasectomy last year and said the same thing happened to him.
Hi and yes I had vasectomy 25 years ago and mine are defo bigger like yours you have a nice shaft as well enjoy