I’m going to the doctors next week and I want to get circumcised due to my phimosis. Will the NHS do it or will I have to go somewhere private. Many people have recommended a Dr.Khan down in London but it would be over £600 to get it done with with. Where do I go for it doing? Cheers!!
Where do I get circumcised - Men's Health Foru...
Where do I get circumcised

Earlier days barbars used to do. Only antiseptic and anesthesia required. Later antibiotic also
Congratulations on your wise decision! You will be l very happy being circumcised!
Always go to Dr Khan , Leyton Healthcare , the man is an artist , its 600 pounds the quote but if you do the operation on the same day and if you dont need further treatment before doing it you pay 450 pounds not 600 😉 trust me mate ive researched all clinics in UK most of them ask for 1000 , 2000 , Dr Khan asks for nothing and the results are amazing and he never fails , you got one shot mate its your dick , you will live with the results forever 😉 Dr Khan is the guy for this , nobody else
Thanks a lot!! I appreciate it. I’m from up north and London’s far away for me! I’ll have to make a trip of it aha!! Should be worth it tho. Thanks!!!!!
All you have to do man is look at Dr Khan results on this forum they speak for themselves. Marions87 is right.
If you have a medical reason for requiring a circumcision then it is available on the NHS at no cost. nhs.uk/conditions/circumcis...
Many men are very pleased with their adult circumcision as posters here will confirm. As with all surgical procedures, however, it is not without physical and emotional risk. This is one young man’s experience: google.co.uk/amp/s/www.bbc....

Thank you, I’ll give them both a look over
Is Dr. Zarifa still practising?
Zarifa was THE man! Apparently Khan is very good too
Hi I’m also from the north. Can you recommend any good ones up here?
Thornhill clinic in Luton 👍
Thank you. I feel like I do want to get circumcised tho. Just worried the NHS will mess it up!
Where do I get circumcised, usually on the penis