i hv been cut loose and low...but i m intetested in tight and high...i m thinking of removing total outer skin and fernlum to avoid any skin movement during sex...is it possible..will it be ok...i want to loose all my sensitivity ...please suggest
what if i remove total outer skin inc... - Men's Health Foru...
what if i remove total outer skin including fernlum from my penise to avoid any skin mobility during sex

I was circumcised as a baby and had a revision when I was 20 - I wanted it very tight and I also had my frenulum removed. I could not be happier with it. My glans penis was always permanently exposed but now I have no skin movement. When I am erect my penis doesn’t go inside my body but skin is pulled on to it from my pubic area and scrotum. There is no discomfort. My partner and I had our sons circumcised in the same way. They are 16 and 12 and love being circumcised. I can only recommend it.

thank u...is it possible that penise may go inside the body if too tight....i dont want any skin mobility
Yes I believe that is possible. It doesn’t happen to me or my sons - as I say, our skin gets pulled on to the penis from other parts. It may depend on how much of a grower you are.

ok...do u hv any idea of any kind of surgery to desensitize penise head permanently
Well I expect it will gradually lose some sensitivity after being exposed for a while. I can’t comment on that as I’ve never known having a foreskin. I still have enough sensitivity to be pleasurable.
Go as the surgeon does
I was cut high and very tight with intact frenulum. My erections have always been painful. Luckily I have loosened up the skin to the point where my erections are no longer painful. You can still have it done tight, but I would still make sure there is enough skin, so that it is comfortably tight. Also, I would not recommend removing the frenulum as it is a very sensitive part of the penis. It helps a man obtain an erection.
you mean to say that skin is required for expansion.....my problem is that glans is only 50% exppsed in flaccid state..i want to make glans fully exposed so that it losses its sensitivity....i want to numb my penise permanently ..therefore i want to remove fernlum also.....please suggest any other method of lossing sensitivity
It’s called foreskin restoration. You stretch existing skin to cause mitosis. This then causes more skin to grow, so that now after 4 months, my erections are more comfortable. You can try wearing your remaining foreskin retracted for some time to lose sensitivity in your glans. In addition this will give you an idea of what it is like to have your glans permanently exposed. Also you can get a high and tight without having frenulum removed. You can always remove frenulum at a different time, but once it’s removed, it’s gone forever. Just some thoughts for you to consider. Have you noticed any loss in sensitivity from your partial circumcision?
no..i hvnt noticed any loss of senstivity..its just like earlier....i tried keeping my glans fully exposed by retracting the skin but it rolls back..
That’s such interesting info because I always wondered what having an intact ridged band was like? It makes me feel better that you didn’t lose sensitivity because this means that the ridged band did not have an impact on your sensitivity. What was the reason you were circumcised in the first place?
Also I think your best bet is to get a high and tight circumcision, but make sure to specify to the doctor that you want to keep your frenulum intact. Also make sure that they see your penis when it is erect because this will help the doctor figure out how much skin to remove. Remember, if you lose to much sensitivity, you can end up regretting it. I recommend going to google and typing in: “low and tight circumcision porn”. This will show you videos of men masterbating with this type of circumcision. I know it might be weird to do lol, but it’s better than being regretful later.
thank u...dear...i believe that erection or arousal is a mind driven activity and has nothing to do with senstivity...i m trying my best to loose full sensitivity permamnently
No problem, anytime. That’s an interesting way of putting it. They do say that the brain is the biggest sex organ lol