I’m 21 and I have a tight foreskin. I’m unable to retract my foreskin to expose the gland when erect and also when flaccid. Is it a problem and do I need to worry?
Tight foreskin: I’m 21 and I have a... - Men's Health Foru...
Tight foreskin

Hey bud, if unable to expose gland when flaccid too I’d defo go to GP or sexual health clinic to get it checked out, I presume you tried to retract whilst lubricated or bath/shower? If you have been trying I’d defo go get it checked out 👍🏽

I’ve not performed sex until now. But whenever I’ve masturbated or in general I have no redness, pain or rash or any sort of problem or pain with my penis
Never used any lube or steroid cream too
Phimosis and balanitis are not sexual issues , those are conditions that the foreskin develops , they usually appear due to lack of hygene , sweating and not washing properly , using gels and soaps that kill the natural barrier of the foreskin because of their harsh ingredients .

Is circumcision the only way to cure this? Because I don’t want to get circumcised.
Its not the only way , but its the 100% sure it gets it treated with your fails . See it as a last resort cause trust me all else fails trust me you dont want to be applying creams and ointments for a year .
In the end is your decision .
Get an appointment with urologist and treat it with cream or ointment and see how it goes .

I’ve heard there are major side effects of circumcision. So I’m worried
There is different options available to you if your not wanting to fully have the chop done. I’m in same situation I have tight 4skin and also a long 4skin. The first bit of my actual 4skin is where tight an the problem. But the rest of my 4skin covering my gland is completely normal not problems at all. So I’m going to ask for me to get a half circumcision. So I’m just losing the long 4skin part. Proper name it’s called redundant Rapace. But I’m in the waiting for NHS to respond limbo land. I’ve been waiting two years just get on register. I’ve had to wait over a year just to get blood test done for myself having testosterone low in my bloods
Sounds like phimosis , balanitis , it can be treated with steroid cream or ointment , take it seriously and don’t apply stuff by ear . Go urologist 100% not GPs .

I’ve not performed sex until now. But whenever I’ve masturbated or in general I have no redness, pain or rash or any sort of problem or pain with my penis
A lot of the information listed in some of your replies are unproven so do your own research before making decisions that could affect the rest of your life.
Personally, I would advise stretching the foreskin gently while in the bath or shower, this will also help cleaning. Then move onto steroid creams if needed. You may find that when you have sex, if you do not use a condom then the foreskin may retract naturally. This may be a little painful, do not worry. You should be able to pull it back up with a little persuasion.
If you still worried go see your Doc', but treat Surgery as a last resort.
When it's gone, it's gone !
Same problem here Should I stretch while it’s flaccid or erect ?
Flaccid is best as skin is more stretchy. Pull back and hold for a few seconds, you can also try gently stretching the opening. Same thing, pull apart, hold for few seconds and release. This is no quick fix so persevere, if it painful go see doc'Good luck
I heard using steroid cream can core 65% of cases, but is it true that this is temporary and steroid cream has to be used repeatedly
I only know what I have read, but I believe in many cases the cream can be discontinued or at least reduced once you can successfully pull back. I guess you could try and if it not successful try something else. For other reasons my Circ' was done pretty quick so steroid cream was not an option for me.
Given what I know now I would have tried that first had it been an option.
Hi Man, it's not something to worry about but you should have it sorted whatever way you decide to do it.
it sounds like you have quite a tight phimosis you could try the stretching first but you probably have tried it anyway it does take time if you go to your GP he will check it out and possibly give you some steroid creams they do help he also might refer you to a urologist.
so don't worry guys go through this all the time it's not something to be left it probably has held you back in the past so for your own sake get it sorted.
I agree with jaglad, some have given you too much unapproved information. However do your own research, talk to you urologist; I like mine better cut than when uncut, I didn't have any issues but did it for cosmetic reasons. if you are having issues, there is no better advise than your doctors. keep us posted. lol
Mine is exactly the same, I hate it
If it aint causing you any pain for discomfort they wont circumcise you cause they told me that
Please consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis of your condition and how best to treat it.
Hey dude how did you get on? Don’t worry about seeing a doctor if you haven’t already, they treat surgery as a last resort too and there’s steroid creams you can use to make the skin more elastic (to a certain extent). I’ve used several since I was 21 and I was then able to retract when flaccid but since then I came to terms with getting a circ. I’m 23 now and had it done 2 weeks ago and it’s a sore process but it’ll be worth it. Nothing wrong with being circumcised! The operation is only 30-60 minutes (and a lot less scary than I thought) and they send you home an hour after.
If it’s bothering you then consider it for health reasons, mine started getting tighter after several years of being sexually active so maybe see how you go on and try the creams in the meantime?
Hey bro, I hope you are still around this site. Please can you share with my your recovery and how sensitive the glans were for you and so on. Look forward to hearing from you
hello, i just made an account to reply to your comment. I’m not sure that the original poster is still active on this website however if you were looking for some advice I had this exact problem when i was around 14/15. I knew from watching porn (lol) that my penis didnt look right, i couldnt pull back my foreskin and the opening was so small that my pee splashed everywhere when urinating. Too embarrassed to tell anyone about it, i took to the internet and did my own research. I solved the issue within a few weeks, every few days i would stretch the foreskin away from the gland, it took quite a lot of force and i only ever did millimetres at a time, the skin underneath where it had been fused to the gland was very raw and sore for a day or so after stretching. I made sure to keep it super clean throughout the process as i understood risk of infection would be higher. I hope this helps anyone reading and if i ever re-visit this website i’d be happy to answer any questions.
The best thing is to quickly go to a urologist and tell him about your problem, do not stay like that it is absolutely not normal not to be able to discover your glans.
If you should be circumcised, don't be afraid, when you choose a good surgeon everything goes very well. I was circumcised by aesthetic choice, I am very happy.
I’m about to go to doctor with mine. As sounds yours is worse than me. When I have erect that’s when my 4skin goes tight and won’t retract so when it does being so tight my dick swells up so bad. But when I’m soft mine pulls back and I’m able to clean my gland. If u can’t pull back don’t mean rude or anything you’re gland at top ur penis (bell) will become dirty and have smegma cheesy penis. So u need gets some help with that and you feel so much nice fresh to. I’m gay. And I met guy same problem I was able to smell and taste him where could not retract his skin. You will feel so happier and so great feeling of not hurting no longer tight and sore. Good luck
Good advice and best wishes too.
You don't need to worry. If you have no health issues relating to it then carry on. If you are still able to orgasm then carry on. If you are still able to have pleasurable sex without painful retraction then carry on. This isn't a condition that needs to be treated.
I'm an 18 year old transgender female (pre-op) and my penis has had a tight for skin as long as I can remember I really dont understand my anatomy
hello, I'm also trans (but older than you - early 30s) and also
have this condition, although just a couple days ago (!) - after trying to stretch it in the shower and outside the shower (with unscented baby oil as a lubricant) for many months - I was able to retract it almost completely (to my great relief). I Just wanted to say you're not the only one. I won't tell you how to think about your own anatomy, but I am sure there are many trans women like us who have dealt with this.
It's not a problem now. Is the hole in your foreskin getting larger or smaller? I would suspect smaller (over months or years). So the future may bring even more problems and concern. Just a possibility: if you got a urinary tract infection, the first thing that should be done is the insertion of a catheter to drain your bladder. But the hole is smaller, your penis is swollen and infected and throbbing. And it is 3 am. The urologist comes in and says the only way to treat you is a circumcision. It works. Don't you wish you had talked to that same urologist when you are not infected and in severe pain? Or this may never happen.
hi ? is your problem solved? or you are still trying
I have the same problem requires a help also
I have the same condition and I am 60 - I have managed to live with it but my advice is to get it sorted out while you are still young so that you do t have to think of it during sex for the rest of your life.
Well im fairly young (around18) and i have never been able to pull back the foreskin. I am jus now realizing this isnt normal.
Hi you need to have it checked with your doctor they can advise you on the best options available to you.
i need to get it sorted too but i do not wanna ask the doctor ab it cos it’s embarrassing asf like how do i even begin the conversation lmao
Hey Man that's nothing to be embarrassed about we all need help at some point in our lives just start be saying you have a problem with your foreskin and go from there. If it's a little tight some steroid cream would really help a lot. So definitely go the sooner the better you will feel so much better for getting the courage to go and get things sorted out. 👍🏻
thanks yeah i’m gonna call the doctors tomorrow. see it’s not even that bad that’s why i put it off for ages like i can pull it back a bit but not entirely over the head so it does need sorted. thankss
I had the same problem i used creams to soften the skin and just stretched it usi g my fingers to start with some times used to pit a marble in the end under the skin it hurt a little but nothing too painful try pulling the end out and getting and erection and stretch that way too any thing you can think of thats hygenic of course stuff it under your foreskin and stretch , it worked for me proberbly took about 6-9 months some times the skin split and it did bleed slightly, this may not work for you but skin had lots of elasticity so noting to loose
hello, from what I understand some do not retract until after becoming sexually active. There may be exercises, steroid creams or ointments, or I’ve read there is a dorsal slit procedure. Balanitis is infection of the penis which it does not sound like you have an issue with. Phimosis is tight foreskin but from what I understand it’s not a problem unless it’s causing issues. I’d let it be and I would not get a circumcision unless you determine there’s an issue that does not go away.