wondering if anyone has got some advice on losing menopause weight.
I started HRT a couple of months ago, although I’m not overweight, I’ve put on half a stone and feel uncomfortable.
I already do intermittent fasting as in only eat in the evening, I started this about a year and half ago and felt so much better. I have tried eating during the day but, felt terrible, bloating and no energy.
I don’t eat bread as gluten intolerant, so don’t bother with the gluten free bread, or pasta. I try and eat low carb and mainly have salads, vegetables, fish, all home cooked, fruit being strawberries
I’m not going to lie I do occasionally have treats, as in a protein bar, bag of crisps, but I’m finding it increasingly difficult to shift the extra weight.
During my teenage years I lost 2 and half stone via WW, and after having my child lost 2 and half stone again with WW, but feel my weight is slowly increasing.
Im finding what use to work doesn’t. I’m on my feet all day with my job dashing around, don’t have fizzy drinks, I don’t drink alcohol either.
I know we are all different, but any tips with be greatly appreciated.
Best wishes