TW- abuse, suicidal
Anyone that has been following me or that I have talked to knows about the situation that I am in. In January I had a total hysterectomy (only kept my ovaries) anyways I have noticed since then that my moods have been all over the place.. I am already bipolar but now I have seriously considered or thought about killing myself.. I can’t or won’t tell my therapist or prescriber because of the kids they need me here I am the only one in the house that takes care of them (I have a boy) but I’m talking about the girls.. I mean their parents stay in bed until 10-11 they only get up after they have sex they then rush out to the gym after they eat breakfast. Then they go to the store or do errands. They come home sir around for maybe an hour or so then back up to the bedroom for more fun during that time they yell at the girls or they are busy especially the mom trying to do housework or relax as she says.. They stay in the bedroom for hours or so by that time it’s dinner time for the kids then bedtime. Where in this time frame are they spending time with the kids? It’s me and I also homeschool my son so how am I to focus my time on that and still take care of the girls? I mean my husband moved his second whore in and all she does is watch’s tv thinking she helps me out that’s ridiculous. I am so sick of my life every night I go to bed and wish I don’t wake up.. I hate my life I hate my husband I wish to God I didn’t have my son ( don’t get me wrong I love my son fiercely. I regret having him because he doesn’t deserve this at all.. I am not a good mother for bringing him into this world’s didn’t ask for this.. I GIVE UP