hey y’all I really need help. I have severe depression I think and I have no one that understands. All I wanna do is just stay in bed and stare at the ceiling. I’ve tried to get out of bed. I’ve done some things. My blood sugars are out of whack. My husband does not understand and things that I should just be able to not think about it and it be OK. I had a traumatic brain injury in my 20s. I am now 50 and I’ve been on meds. I’ve been on Lexapro for eight years, but my anxiety and depression got worse so the nurse practitioner put me back on Prozac 20 mg and I’ve been on it for nine days and I’m having no help if anything I’m just getting worse. What would you guys do? I really need some help.
severely depressed can’t get out - Major Depressive ...
severely depressed can’t get out

I have a tbi as well and am trying to figure this out myself. it’s not like any depression I’m familiar with. It’s indescribable and unbearable.
What are you doing for it
I’m still trying to get into some kind of treatment rehabilitation setting for my TBI. I am seeing a psychiatrist and have averaged about 1 therapist a year for almost a decade, they retire or take a leave of absence or don’t work out because the brain injury is too complicated. I’m on different medications than I was a year ago and I’ve ruined my family life because of getting angry which is a common problem with brain injury, it changes you. so I’m separated from my family which makes everything absolutely miserable because I love my wife and children. I try and be active and walk and eat right, take my medicine for depression and anxiety, I have pseudo bulbar syndrome so I cry a lot for no reason, and since I have a lot of sadness from everything altogether, crying happens a lot. it’s overwhelming and the depression is overpowering, sometimes I get to a good spot, but it all resets after I fall asleep. I know this doesn’t sound promising. I think if I wasnt separated from my family I could handle it better.
Can I ask what you take ?
I was on lexapro for years but it stopped working, it also was a drag to introduce it into my system but the side effects did go away.
I started Wellbutrin earlier this year and have since found a new psychiatrist and have stopped that and recently began the sertraline and increased the dose. it’s like one thing at a time when finding the right prescription or dose. I’m unsure how much the sertraline will work so I stick with it until my next appointment and go from there. give it time and do one thing or change or alter one thing at a time to know what’s effective and what isn’t. we all have different chemistry and biology so figuring things out is always a thing. exercise is something that should be treated like a prescription as well, not an if you’re up to it thing but a real regiment, same for water hydration and sleep. all essential. then there’s breathing and guided meditations or body scans if that works, one thing I try and do is balance things. like if I am down about something I find a balance in it. like I don’t get to see my children as often as I want I wish I lived with them but I do get time with them for example.
getting out of bed and moving is by far one of the biggest challenges for my depression right now. it can be near impossible some days. so I have little tricks to do for that, like getting up to remake the bed and laying back down. it’s very important to develop a habit of moving your body however you can, walking being the simplest most common one.
Maybe you need hrt therapy instead. I'm suffering from more intense depression and anxiety due to menapause hormone changing
I have been in menopause since 2021. Do you think symptoms have just gotten worse ?