So, the Zoloft no longer works, even at the highest dosage. So, my psychiatrist switched to Effexor on Friday. My mood changes are HORRIFIC. LOL That is supposed to be normal until my body gets used to it. But, I have noticed that I get very cold once it kicks in. Is this normal? Will it pass?
Med Change: So, the Zoloft no longer... - Major Depressive ...
Med Change

You do not have to accept these side effects. These are major side effects. Sometimes our Physicians and Psychiatrists, even we the PATIENTS, forget that we are employing them! They work for us and they are costly! Those are unacceptable side effects IMO. In my experience with Effexor specifically, these side effects aren't going to go away. Also, mood swings like that are not an acceptable side effect at all for any amount of time! Not healthy for you or those subject to your behavior! I'd suggest you contact your Psychiatrist and tell them this is a no go. They need to address this immediately, today because you aren't going to take it anymore, period the end. Insist they prescribe you something different. You might consider asking if you can't go in hospital for it because you're going through so much and so is your body. . Either way you need off of the Zoloft immediately. You can always talk to your Pharmacist about meds and side effects! Just be sure you are speaking with a Pharmacist not a technician. Good luck. Effexor put me in the mental hospital as my Psychiatrist told me to ignore some lesser but not OK side effects, same tune, they will go away... They did not, but I sure did for 12 days and it was not my idea...
Whoa. Breathe. I have only been on the meds for 4 days. Just like any other antidepressant, you have to give it time to see if it works. These side effects are actually normal, I found out, when starting the Effexor. I always give new meds 30 days to see how they work and what their side effects are.
Cece, let me know if it works for you. Has it affected your sleep?
Not much. By bed time, it has worn off and I finally get sleepy.
I tried that one. Gave me insomnia. Side effects can be awful. Zoloft seems to be the only SSRI I can tolerate. And the effectiveness comes & goes. I've been on it since 1998. Crazy. My Dr added Seroquel in 2019 for my sleep. Only 5o mg
at night.
They're our employees, until they aren't. I once had a psychiatrist drop me in the middle of treatment, because I voiced my displeasure about something. It was his way or the highway. In retrospect, it was probably for the best, but to get dropped after being started on two new anti-depressants and have to figure out how to taper off of them on your own? I complained to the state board about what happened, and ask that he be disciplined for abandonment. I was told after a decision was made I would be informed. That was over a year and a half ago, and I don't believe I'll ever hear from them. I do know the same guy is still practicing. That's how much they're our employees and how much of our voices are heard when it comes to our own treatment. Of course, mine is only one case, but I'm confident it's not the only one.
Hello! I'm on Effexor and have been for years, however, you should never have to deal with bad side effects. Definitely talk to your provider I say. There are so many meds to choose from ya know? Good luck and hang in there!

I appreciate that! I have been on it for a week. The side effects are going down. The irritability has went down a lot. I have more energy. Getting better.