This is my first time trying an online support group/ community. Im looking forward to the support and information to a better life.
Hey New Here : This is my first time... - Major Depressive ...
Hey New Here

Welcome! I’m new here too!
thanks Welcome also. How are you doing and feeling today?
Depressed and anxiety feeling. Having both really sucks! There’s a lot going on right now and i changed doctors, so I’m off my antidepressant until I see the new dr in April. How are you doing?
You’re welcome. Thank you for the prayers, prayers for you as well. It took me awhile to finally start on meds, now I feel more out of control without them. Although I probably am not really, I’m just not use to it. And it seems life is throwing everything at me at once. It would be nice if we could get help when we need it and not wait months. But April isn’t as far off as it could be.
I just started this too. I’ve never done anything like this so I’m a bit apprehensive. I’ve been dealing with depression and anxiety for the past 20 years, until recently it was managed with medication. I’m still on meds, tried a bunch of different ones, but I’m still depressed.
I haven’t done anything like this either. I just got disparate because too much is going on at once and I’m out of my meds and can’t get an appt until April. Sorry to hear meds aren’t working for you as well. I have that fear too.
Being without medication is the worst. I’m so sorry! Can you see a general practitioner to get meds until you see your new doc?
I’m not sure how. I thought my new dr was basically a general practitioner.
I understand. Some people get prescribed medication through a psychiatrist or a psychiatric nurse practitioner. Have you told the new general practioner that you are out of meds? Sometimes they can get you in sooner if they know the situation, or at least get you on a cancelation list.
Yes I did, at least the receptionist and she said that they don’t prescribe them until the first visit. It’s like people don’t care much anymore. You wait months to even see a psychiatrist for the first time. It seems odd, because the first time, especially you need them now, not in a few months. Sorry for the vent.
it's sad but reassuring that I'M not going through this alone.YOU are not alone either. Good councilling an also a psychiatrist have both helped me.REMEMBER that it takes time to find the right help and your 1st choices my not be a good fit.KEEP trying because when you find the right one IT WILL BE WORTH IT
I am also using meditation an mantras an they seem to help me relax .
WE ARE VERY STRONG PEOPLE to be able to fight the battles in our heads and function daily
I hope you had a better day today. I think we all hope for this horrible problem to be better the next day but unfortunately it isn't.
What has helped me is think like an executive where "no" isn't an answer. If you need someone now April isn't acceptable. Period, Search on line for docs that will do tele-health if you have to. There are tons of them.
It's hard being your own advocate when it's your brain. Hell, if you couldn't drive because your arm was broken, well someone would help. If you can, confide in a friend, and get that drive.
I'm on the same path as you and could care less about being a pain in the rear about being heard and seen. We're bleeding but others don't see it. Fight for yourself with every drop of strength you have.
Have courage and fight for yourself. Everyone deserves care.