I suffer from MDD, anxiety, PTSD and looking for support from friends who may struggle with similar conditions. I feel extremely lonely and pray this is a place to safely meet some friends.
Looking for friendly people - Major Depressive ...
Looking for friendly people

Hello and Welcome. This is a great place to make friends. Friends who understand depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I also wanted to invite you to join the Anxiety and Depression Support group on this site if you haven't done so already. It is much more active with people posting all day every day. I hope you are able to find the support you are looking for as I have.
Thank you! You don’t know how happy it made me feel to read your welcoming post! I have felt so alone with this disorder with nobody who understands no matter how hard my family tries. I really look forward to meeting some people who can relate! Thank you again!
Not quite sure how to get on the Anxiety and Depression Support group on this site. Could you walk me through it?
Hi, I’m new to this forum, but not new to Major Depression. I too feel lonely and seeking friends
Hello, I struggle with the same except mine is complex post traumatic stress from a nightmare childhood. My great big world I once lived fearlessly has been completely stolen away from the abuses from my family over my parents inheritances since 2017. I was a successful business owner out there in the world without any fear. I've pretty much been bedridden in a frozen mode for years. I'll start to take on a project only to fall back for weeks and my physical health is very dimished. Going to try spravato this week or next.
Welcome TSSS! I think you’ve come to the right place for understanding people to establish friendships with. People on here are helpful and kind.
Hello I to am trying to survive in this big world with major depression and anxiety disorder. I feel alone to keep myself together. I have arthritis in my back and knees. Pain 24/7 no pain medication. I take just over the counter Tylenol or ibuprofen. I have deep dark trauma issues from my childhood that I just can't let go.
I also have childhood trauma as well which has thrown me into my major depressive disorder because I have self-worth and self-esteem issues from being my mother's Target as she was an alcoholic and called me horrific names. I was physically abused by my father and my ex-fiance and I also was sexually assaulted so I've suffered every single abuse there is and I tried to commit suicide three times the last time was a doozy I wound up in ICU for a day and a half and they pump my stomach I have no recollection of it I woke up to my family Doctor Who's known me since the age of seven who said those two people out there can't take this anymore Tara whatever you're going through you have to get through it. I've been struggling with depression for years and years I'm on medication but I don't think it is helping at this point I too can barely get out of bed and don't find any Joy in anything anymore. I can barely go to work but know that I have to go in order to make money for my family. I used to be a state worker and lost the job because of my depression I didn't reveal that I had depression fearing that it would be used as a weapon against me but I took a lot of time off and they started asking for doctors notes each and every time I was out which led to disciplinary actions and also suspensions and It ultimately led me to resign my position in February of 2023 cuz I couldn't take it anymore I was a Target at work too. Besides being sick shamed they wanted me out because I was older and they could pay three newbies for how much I was making I worked there for 20 years I do miss helping children and making a difference in their lives of course I miss the salary because losing my job ultimately led to losing my apartment and now I am living in my sister's basement. This past year has really rocked my world and brought me to my knees which makes it so hard for me to want to get out of bed for what reason there's nothing to do here and I feel so depressed that I just can't bring myself to do it I spend my weekends lying in bed the whole entire weekend closing my eyes and trying to sleep to escape my reality. Thank you for letting me vent and I hope that we can relate to one another and help each other. Thanks for listening
I'd like to meet people too and hopefully get some good advice from others that suffer from MDD. I feel worthless helpless hopeless my self-esteem a shot by self-lothe and can barely get out of bed to go to work everyday I feel anxious lately too and I feel nobody understands me. I wouldn't wish MDD on anyone. I've had this latest episode since before Covid and I've been suffering for 3 years straight and I can take it how much longer can this last. I have self-hatred and self-esteem issues because I was the target of my alcoholic mother verbally psychologically and emotionally abusing me as a child. I was physically abused by my father and my ex-fiance to and I was also sexually assaulted so I've been through it all it seems. I also tried to kill myself three separate times between the ages of 18 to 21 and was hospitalized third time I was 15 minutes away from death they put my stomach and I was in ICU for a day and a half and don't have any recollection of any of it. I woke up to my family physician saying whatever you're going through Tara you have to get over it because your parents are too old to deal with it but that's easier said than done. My family physician was the one that diagnosed me as major depressive disorder in 2002. But I also suffer from PTSD because of my upbringing as well as adjustment disorder too. and was diagnosed with those afflictions in 2023 . Just looking for friends or someone that has similar experiences or just share their similar story with me it would make me feel a lot less alone and vulnerable.
Hi. I also suffer with MDD and PTSD as well I am also looking for people that struggle with these ailments to identify with and have friendly conversations with others that feel like I do. I'm so happy I found this group because I feel like it's going to help me immensely hoping to meet you soon please don't hesitate to reach out to me my story is on here if you would like to read it