Morning all!I am concious again that I have not posted in ages! Anyway, I just wanted to post a quick update about completing the Wilmslow half marathon yesterday. Over 12 weeks of dedication and completing every single training run has come to it's conclusion.
Yesterday my brother in law and and took on the 13.1 miles challenge, running for Cruse Bereavement having amassed a great amount of sponsership for the charity.
I passed the finished line in 02:18:09 - knocking over 25 minutes off my PB, along with a new 10k PB mixed in. The atmosphere at the event was electric and probably the reason for me setting off at 5k pace and nearly achieving a sub 1hr 10k. It was mile 8 where i started to taper off as my legs were getting heavy.
Not exactly sure where to set my next goal yet. I dont think im in any rush to sign up for a marathon but will certainly be doing the half again.