Ahhhh....That’s more like it 😊Anothe... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Ahhhh....That’s more like it 😊Another SaskAlliecat Ramble

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon
31 Replies

After last week’s trail race that didn’t go as planned, I had a week off at the lake. I had a very wet 6k campground interval run during a thunderstorm where hubby and I got absolutely soaked, followed by a 3k Hellish horseshoe climb where I felt at home and back to my “happy place”. Then today was my long run - a 14 k run where I decided to run a portion of the 20k race that I’ll do in the fall. I have only ran it once before, in it’s entirety, last fall and really enjoyed it. Today was no exception! What a perfect day!

I set off at 9 am, 15 C and overcast - perfect! I filled my hydration bladder, added some ice cubes, filled my soft flasks with Tailwind, grabbed a granola bar and some trail mix, plus managed to sneak some gummy candy’s out of my son’s candy stash before it was all gone. I was set!

There was another runner at the trail head that was warming up and looked pretty serious. I did my few dynamic warmup moves, heavily sprayed on the bug spray, said a “Good day for a run” and set off. A nice easy pace through the meadow. I come around the corner and whoa! What is that! A porcupine blocking the trail. I called out to him - Hello Mr. Porqupine, I’m not a threat, I’d like to pass. Nah, he turned to face me, but wasn’t in a hurry to get off the trail. I banged my poles, clapped my hands, and finally he tootled off the path and off I went... again. There were lots of little killdeer flying around, so many colours of butterflies and the flowers! Oh the wild flowers - so pretty. This path was much greener than the last time I ran it, with lots of lush foliage. I came across some lovely bleached out bones, but managed to walk away from them (I may have quite the collection of bones in one of my flower beds from hikes over the years...ya, I’m a little weird!)

I crossed the first water crossing by hopping on stones and balancing on my poles - success! An hour in, my tummy started to growl so I stopped and ate a bit of my granola bar. It went down ok so I tried to eat a little more further in as I ran - well that was a recipe for choking so I stopped and ate some more... then I reached where the Aid station will be race day- right! That’s a good spot to try and think about fuelling, the next time around. Then it got me thinking about some of the goodies they provide on race day and had the light bright moment that frozen 2 bite brownies would be the bomb! So when I get home, I must remember to buy some and toss them in my freezer for the next long run (I figure if I freeze them, they might last until run day.. and maybe they won’t get too squishy in my vest)... but I digress....although that is where my mind goes during my runs.

I carry along through a meadow following the fence line, proving to myself I can actually still run on flatter grassy bits without any problems, despite what last week’s race tried to fill my head with. I came to this awesome climb that is pretty much just climbing up a washout area - it’s steep, it’s irregular, and it is a whole lotta fun! I forgot how fun the climbs were on this loop and how much variation this trail has. It really has something for everybody! I climb some more, I descent some more and now I can see my final water crossing. I remember there is a spring that runs through there so it was a little mucky in areas and the foliage is quite dense. Well, with all the storms we’ve had this week, muddy is an understatement! There was no getting through this area with clean or dry feet! So I kind of just went with it, trudged through the black gooey muck, checked for ticks as I got to the clearing (phew, none!). And carried on. Looking behind me, I see the other trail runner just coming down the hill approaching the water crossing that I just traversed. Huh, I figured he must’ve taken another trail given he hadn’t passed me yet. Sweet! I must be going at an ok clip then, despite my picture taking, eating, and just plain lallygagging. As I was coming down the final gradual hill, I can see someone coming toward me. As I get closer, I see it is another runner. I smile, say hello and she stops to ask me some questions. She wasn’t quite sure where the loop was going to take her but had been warned to come out and run some hills, so I pulled out my handy dandy map and showed her where she was running and what she was in for. I gave her a heads up on all the mud coming up and wished her well. As we were chatting, Mr trail runner from earlier passed us. I got to the bottom of the trail and saw I hadn’t quite reached 14k so I carried on up the backside of the Horseshoe. Unfortunately, my Garmin and Runkeeper were showing quite the discrepancy so I ended up running further up Horseshoe than planned but at least both show that I ran my full 14k... and then some.

So that run is done and dusted and I loved every minute of it. I can run trails, I like to run trails...correction, I love to run trails 💕...I just really like technical trails that keep you on your toes and make you stop to climb and make you feel so alive! It was a great way to end my week of holidays. I may have to work next weekend, but I’m already planning my 16k run on the morning before I go on call! Yippee! I can’t wait to hit my trails again ...in 6 long days 😊

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SaskAlliecat profile image
Half Marathon
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31 Replies
linda9389 profile image

Ooh, I really enjoyed that run too, thank you 😍. Some translation required though - killdeer? lallygagging? 🤣. Sounds fabulous - what a great way to end your week and carry you through the next :)

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

Thanks Linda. I’m glad I could take you for a run while you’re on the IC. It will definitely help my transition back to work next week.

Translations: killdeer are a little brown bird. They have a neat stripe on the tip of their tails and have some really pretty feathers when you find them. I used to see a few in the marina but couldn’t get over how many I saw on this run today - at least that is what I think they are. Lallygagging - just sort of tootling along, no worries in the world, no pressure of time, perhaps getting side tracked a bit is my definition of it.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to SaskAlliecat

I fancy me some lallygagging 😍

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Strong running lovely Sask! A porcupine! wow...what a great trail run you had, so exciting and technically challenging too.

I bet that bone display looks great in your flower beds.😀

So pleased that you enjoyed that milestone run, and are thinking of going further again!

I liken you to Lara Croft these days Allie! 😊xxx

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Bluebirdrunner

If only I could look as good as Lara Croft in her little outfits 😂

It was so neat seeing the porcupine. I see the damage they do when the dogs come in covered in quills but have never had the chance to see one in person. I enjoyed watching him display and present his backside while flaring his guard hairs exposing his quills. It was enough for me to stop and say Whoa little guy. The dogs on the other hand, well... they never do learn! He sure wasn’t moving very fast and I could see how the dogs are able to attack them, as he turns his back on me.

I like my little bone display, but I’m sure people who come to my front door must wonder. There is quite a few different ones, from cow and deer vertebra and toe bones to some small skulls and jaw bones. When we were at the sand flats a couple years ago, I found the neatest little tiny rodent pelvis and skull. That one is tiny and in a little jewelry box on my mantle in the house 🙄. It’s a good thing my hubby is a biology teacher as well (and his father was a biology teacher) so he gets it 😂

That run was just what I needed to help me push further. I’m loving what I’ve got coming up for runs -now the tough part is deciding which loops to do from the 50k course to make the right distance. Too fun! That loop today though has to be one of my favourites, although there are 2 parts of 2 loops I haven’t explored....yet. I might have to combine them for my 18k run but it will start and stop at opposite ends of the provincial park so I might have to get hubby to drop me off and pick me up - or add another 2 1/2 k running on a gravel road. No thanks 😥

Oh, wow! what a run. your wonderful description took me with you every inch of the way. The last thing I'm ever likely to see here when out running is a porcupine! Wonderful photos too. Go Allie! xx

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to

Thanks Flick. It was a pleasant surprise, to say the least and set a great tone for the whole run. I love seeing the wildlife!

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Brilliant! And that... is what it's all about 👍🏻😁😉

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Exactly 😊 💕. You get it GoGo_Jojo.

Lavender1962 profile image
Lavender1962Half Marathon

Wow! Your runs are so exciting with the rugged terrain and wildlife. And your posts make me want to grab my trail shoes and travel to find a trail somewhere. At the mention of the two bite brownies I pictured the beige bag in the grocery store. They are yummy snacks.

I’m glad you’re enjoying your runs I can’t wait to hear about your 16k run. I’m surprised you can across other runners.

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Lavender1962

The trails have been getting busier and busier each year as the race sells out earlier and earlier (although busier is you see another runner or two 😆 but given there are 5 different loops of differing distances that is remarkable in itself). This year they increased the number of registrants as well. It is getting quite a reputation for it’s difficulty so I think more and more people that live within a reasonable driving distance try to make it out to try some of the trails. I’ve actually seen another runner on the last 3 longer trail runs I’ve had out there. There are more people on the weekends for sure. The parking lot for this trail head had more cars on it when I finished my run than I’ve ever seen in the 12 years we’ve lived here. It is great!

Oldfloss profile image

Phew..... that was FUN!!! I loved it.... thank you so much....Lallygagging.. a great word....like my pootling... ??

Porcupines.... !!! Bleached bones....!!! I have a load in my little back courtyard.. so I am weird too.... beautiful...Tick check... definitely..glad you were clear....Oh you.... what a great run and you are well prepared and happy to move on...

Fabulous.... fabulous.... fabulous!!!

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

Lallygagging is a great word, isn’t it ... except when it is my son doing it and we’re trying to get somewhere 😂.

Glad I’m not the only bone collector out there. Phew, maybe I’m not as weird as I thought 😆

It was a great run; I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. I’m hoping to do it all over again next week, but add in the Horseshoe with it’s crazy climb and ridge run. It will be the first 16k of the race, missing only running the Horseshoe in reverse to get to the finish line. I’m feeling ok about my race in the fall now. I had an unrealistic time goal for it but should be able to run it in a respectable 3 hours or less with just under 2 months of training left. Yay!

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

Wonderful run SaskAlliecat and beautifully related. Yep.. dogs need to leave porcupines alone..a puppy at our camp turned up with a spine in its leg. Two days later I ran into a Fisher (porcupine eaters as you know). I reckon it was after the puppy..wasn’t sure whether to reach for the camera or run!! Fortunately the Fisher reached a decision first and cleared off. Do you meet anything dangerous on your runs ?

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

I had to look up the Fisher - what a neat looking animal; not something we have here, nor something I would want to come across. I’ve seen moose across the coulee on my runs and deer. There have been bears sightings quite a bit further north up this river valley but never this far south fortunately. I hear the coyotes yipping every night when I go to sleep on the boat with the windows open but haven’t encountered one yet and a farmer friend who farms just north of the river valley in this area has seen wolves while hiking his property but I haven’t encountered any (and hope never too!). There are large snakes but all are bull snakes but remember a case that came into the clinic I work at when I first moved here where a dog may’ve been bitten by a rattle snake in this region. The dog was from the States and had some sort of vaccine for this so he lived with supportive care, but it is tough to know for sure. I always run without music when i’m In the hills and try to be very aware of my surroundings. I have live tracking on my Runkeeper and always mark on the map I keep on the boat which loop i’m running and try to give my husband a guess of how long I’ll be out but on the long run before this last one, I spent a bit of time stretching and looking for water after my run so was late getting back to the boat and hubby was getting ready to come searching. Now I try to also send a text saying I’m done. It is a beautiful rugged place to run but I do respect it and all that can go wrong. I should probably pack some sort of first aid kit but I always take a lot more food and water than I’ll need, just in case. I wish my trail running partner was still running this year but she had had such problems with her knees lately, I think she might be done 😢 so it is mostly solo running for me.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to SaskAlliecat

You are one tough cookie!! I would be imagining wolves at every turn. Fortunately the only venomous snakes in Ontario are Georgian Bay way, Massasauga Rattlers.. I only need to worry about Bears, Moose and now Fishers!!.. I didn’t know that they existed until I met one!! Running in Yorkshire is a lot less exciting..but definitely feels safer! 🐻 😊

Oooh Mucky and gooey, OOOH porcupine attack, Oooooh dem bones. And you loved it. Now where's my eyes rolling emoji when I need it. Joking aside, that sounds like a great run. Glad you had a nice week of holidays. Runkeeper is indeed acting strange these days. I'm not sure I trust its GPS points. Well, I guess it's more or less accurate.

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to

RunKeeper has never really agreed with my Garmin but it’s getting more noticeable as the runs get longer and the trails more obscure with no cell coverage. The elevation charts are often wacky too. It’ll show higher initially then a lot lower once it downloads than what the actual elevation is supposed to be based the gpx file of the course the race directors did last year or the year before. so when it seems really out I’ll go to the website and check it out. My Garmin is too basic to connect automatically to Garmin Connect but I should try hooking it up to my laptop and see what it says in comparison some day. Although in reality, it doesn’t matter. There’s a lot of climbing and it is fun! As I was trying to add the extra 800 metres on, I was thinking I should just listen to my Garmin but given i’m following a training plan in Runkeeper, I don’t want to risk not getting my check mark beside the run 🙄. Stupid, I know 😆

Decker profile image

Wow you have some really interesting trails Sask. Skulls and bones. The porcupine was a great bonus! It sounds like you are really zoning into your groove on these trails. Can’t wait for the next one!

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Decker

Thanks Decker. Me neither 😂. I definitely feel a lot more at home on these trails

TailChaser profile image

I do love the way you take us on your run. It’s all so different to what most of us on here experience. I just get transported to Wales where I guess the terrain is fairly similar but there’s no porcupines but definitely plenty of mud 🤣 Great report Sask!

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to TailChaser

Thanks TC. I’m glad you enjoy coming on my runs with me. I love taking you guys on my journey and always try to take lots of pictures to share. Unfortunately some of them just don’t give the area the justice it deserves, especially if there isn’t anything in the frame to give reference too since I tend to run alone most days these days.

Snuffy_T profile image
Snuffy_THalf Marathon

Great run report. I'm intrigued? Do you run with poles? I've only ever seen people hiking with them.

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Snuffy_T

I do run with poles on these longer, more technical trails. It is nice to have another point of contact on the inclines and will use them to help brake me a bit on the steeper more sketchy descents as well. I’m not a fan of carrying them on the flatter bits while I run but really dislike the pole carrying system on my hydration vest and find the times I’m not using the poles are few so not a lot of point in stowing them. I may buy a special running belt to wear as well that is supposed to work well but haven’t quite decided it is necessary yet. It took a bit to get used to running with them but I like them and the more I use them, the better and easier it gets. They are super light weight and collapse down quite small.

Snuffy_T profile image
Snuffy_THalf Marathon in reply to SaskAlliecat

Thanks for the reply. That's really interesting, also handy for porcupine dispersal! Not likely to see any of those on the south downs though.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

So pleased to hear that the sparkle has come back to your running Alliecat. Those meadows sound wonderful with lots of flowers.

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

Thanks Dexy. I’m glad too; I was getting a little worried for a while there.

We’ve had so much rain lately, it is nice to see the hills all green and lush and the wild flowers blooming, even if it means a few extra tick checks mid run 😂

Awesome! Always a great read. Looks so much different now, looks really lush. The wildlife around there is amazing... No porcupines in London.

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to

It’s amazing what a few weeks of rain did. I was quite shocked how different it is since I last ran part of this trail. Even with them recently cutting the trail, I was glad I had an idea of where I was going. In some areas the markers were a bit harder to see. But we’re heading into another heat wave so you never know - it could be brown and dry again within a few weeks. We go from droughts to flooding in the blink of an eye. Like they say around here- if you don’t like the weather, just wait 5 minutes 😆

in reply to SaskAlliecat

I like that!

Here's one about the UK, I can't remember who said it, I think they were Australian.

"I love the British summer, it's the best day of the year."

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to


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