Couch to Marathon Intention. - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Couch to Marathon Intention.

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon
23 Replies

My friend the garden is not going to let me go for a while.No gym, no running just hard graft.

I hope my friend will reward me when I start my intended journey to a ONCE in a lifetime marathon.

The garden certainly gives you plenty ME time and thinking time.

So here simply is my plan when I finally break free.

2-3 months C25k

2-3 months Bridge to 10k

2-3 months HM

2-3 months Full Marathon.

So I am into the 4th quarter of 2020 before I hopefully put that forum badge beside my name.

The knowledge and inspiration on here is just amazing and I am going to use it.

Trotting at my pace requires a build up to 6-7 hours of running to complete a marathon.

I have got to be smart and keep injury free and recover well on each of my long runs and on all of my journey.

Nothing ventured nothing gained and what better box to ✅ for me.I can only see how things unfold over a very long journey.

Thank you magic forum for just existing.


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Tbae profile image
Metric Marathon
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23 Replies
AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon

Good planning from you Tbae, I understand that you reran the whole of C25K recently, are you intending to do it for a third time?, after that the Stepping stones podcasts with Laura, then B210K and so on to 2 or 3 months of marathon training, I hope you won't get any injuries this time.

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to AlMorr

Yes Alan,this will be second repeat of C25k.Have not done anything for some time now, so start again.I just feel the programme is there so why not use it.👍👏👏

1st repeat of bridge.

1st repeat of HM.

Then the bit that will be new territory.

So plenty repair days between runs and if only one long run per week so be it.

Not looking to build a marathon running body at this age.🙈🤣

Just hopefully tick the box just the once and then play with the other stuff.


AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon in reply to Tbae

👍 🏃

That looks very thorough. i would be happy to complete a marathon in 6-7 hours!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Love your way of thinking Tbae, super forward planning, no shortcuts but definate intention... 🏃Marathon man!

I wish you Good luck with your running once your garden releases you from the constant pruning and attention it demands...🌳🌱🌹🌹🌺🌻🌼🌸🌻😊xxx

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to Bluebirdrunner

That just sounds fantastic.MM🙈🤣

Hope I can give back a fraction of what you and others have given to this magic forum.

Thank you Jan.❤️

Spent much thinking time about the critical few and not the trivial many and comforting myself with there are no problems only solutions.🤔

As a novice it has just got to be simple for me,so what if it finally swallows me up.🙈🤣

I am at least going to make it choke.🙈🤣

Onwards and upwards Jan.


Bluebirdrunner profile image
Bluebirdrunner in reply to Tbae


Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon

Hope your training is going well Flick.

The Marathon voice has always lurked on my shoulder and no matter how many times I have tried to reason with this desire, telling it I am too slow, 6-7 hours is a long shift, the HM was a long shift,it is persistent.🙈

So I have agreed to lock it in.👍

That’s the easy bit.🤣

I have thought about my red lines🙈🤣.

Hope they work out better than the PM’s.🙈🤣

Thank you Flick, keep on keeping on.


in reply to Tbae

Thank you. I’m really enjoying the training and am beginning to notice an improvement already.

I admire you. I’m not sure if I would ever take on a marathon - but then I didn’t think I’d ever tackle a half, so who knows 😊

linda9389 profile image

Amazing! Go you 😀

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to linda9389

I hope all going well for you Linda.❤️ and things sorting themselves out.

There is no fool like an old fool.🙈🤣

But this has just got to be done.


linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Tbae

Good for you! We'll all be rooting for you 👍

mountaindreamer profile image
mountaindreamerHalf Marathon

Glad to hear that garden hasn’t eaten you, Tbae. And good to hear you’re still making plans. 😊❤️

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to mountaindreamer


The Marathon might 🙈🤣.

But I am going to make it choke if I get to that phase.🙈🤣


GoGo_JoJo profile image

Proper Prior Planning Prevents... all manner of performance issues hopefully!!

Always good to have a plan. I don't believe it's beyond your abilities, it's just a question of time and fitness. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 everything crossed for you.

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon

Hi Jo,

Yes a huge hope.🙈🤣

You and Bazza and others have reawakened this little voice on my shoulder.

Hope you, OH and that huge truck are all good.

Go you


Decker profile image

It seems like a sound plan to me Tbae. I definitely think you can make it work and I wish you all the best with your progress on it!

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to Decker

Thanks Decker.

I can see how each main phase goes and get to grips with the detail required for the critical build up well in advance of doing it.

Certainly very comfortable with the knowledge, experience and advice on here.

When push comes to shove I am just going to build up 10% from 10k to HM and from HM to M on a time basis.

Just go from my door and trot for whatever time I have to run for and return on the button.🙈🤣

Just like boiling eggs.🙈🤣


Katnap profile image

Fantastic! 💪😁

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon

I would put my money on you doing it. You have all the determination, enthusiasm and dedication needed. You also have a pretty solid plan!

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon

Gosh thanks Dave.

That means so much coming from you and others.

My mind just races in the garden.🤔

I feel I have benefitted so much in 18 months on the magic forum, including self trialling and self inflicted injury.

I have got this locked in now,and I feel absolutely no pressure at my stage in my trotting journey.🤔

The ONCE only makes a huge difference also Dave.

Can just imagine my steam engine and your breathing advice if and when I get into the tough stuff.

Thank you.


Tasha99 profile image

Interesting stuff. I think you could go c25k quicker but marathon could take longer as you don’t want to go up too fast. Good luck 👍🏽

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to Tasha99

Thanks Tasha.

Hope your looking after yourself and IT band use is doing good.🤔

Yes I am going to be completely chilled about when I start and how long it takes to crank up.

Hoping my Achilles Tendinopathy behaves itself.Up and down ladders with a Styll petrol powered

hedge cutter hopefully strengthens them.

No gym since Jan.🙈 and no run for weeks.🙈

So it is a start again job in a few weeks.Got to be patient.


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