Has anyone been given Vabysmo for a bleeding retina? My doctor told me it is coming on the market, but he hasn’t used it yet. I was wondering if anyone has tried it, and how you responded to it.
Vabysmo New drug, anyone receive it yet? - Macular Society
Vabysmo New drug, anyone receive it yet?

Hi Thisisapain. I don't know if it's available in the UK yet - I haven't heard of this to be honest but others might eventually reply who have.
I have never heard of this does it work for bleeding in the back of they too?
Haven’t tried it but it’s only just been approved:goodwinlaw.com/publications...
I'm in the US and have just looked it up on-line. The first year cost is about $13,000, typical of new drugs in the US I suppose. On their website, however, there are forms the ophthalmologist and patient can fill out to (potentially) get the drug free. A single person must have income of less than $75,000 a year to qualify, which certainly would include me! Just an FYI in case anyone's US ophthalmologist suggests using it. I will ask my doctor what she thinks at my next appointment.
My RS used it on two patients already we will wait few months before I try it currently I am on Eyelea 6 weeks in both eyes. He said it’s been two weeks the patients got it so far they did not call back with any issues.

Hello Thisisapain,
Vabysmo is also called Faricimab.
We are based in the UK.
I checked with our research department. Faricimab has got FDA approval, but not EMA or UK approval yet.
The UK related NICE technology appraisal process is underway, with meetings in April and May for the use for DMO and wet AMD. Expected publication is the summer, so it could become available in hospitals in England and Wales in the UK by the end of 2022.
Kind regards,
Macular Society Advice and Information Service