Loss of sight 4 days after injectio - Macular Society

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Loss of sight 4 days after injectio

Annsandra13 profile image
29 Replies

Hi all, after my double injection last Wednesday struggling all week after them Sunday morning I found I had severe reaction to light and by Monday morning I lost sight in my right eye was in awful pain so I am attending the emergency clinic everyday, they have taken fluid out of the back of my eye to test, they are worried about the build up of bacterial infection and the inflammation but doing everything they can, they can not see anything during the eye examination because of the fluid . They gave me 2+antibiotics into the inflamed eye following the removal of fluid.

So I am on 12 steroids a day, antibiotics , hourly antibiotic eyedrops, 2 other eyedrops 4 times a day.

I am hoping I will recover my eyesight, a very traumatic week,

Wondered if anyone had anything similar. Seeing the Macular consultant I this afternoon,

They said I was unlucky one in a thousand .

Kindest regards to all.

Ann x

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Annsandra13 profile image
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29 Replies
thom3patty profile image


Oh Ann, sending you the biggest hug! X

How scary. Fingers crossed for you xxxxxxxxxx

Tetrazzini profile image

So sorry to read your story/ I do hope it clears up soon. Very best wishes, John

Annsandra13 profile image
Annsandra13 in reply to Tetrazzini

Thank you John, so kind of you to reach you, it means such a lot at this difficult time, I just focus on the people with bigger health concerns than I have. Hope you are progressing well.

kindest regards

Ann x

I have just read your post, and it has distressed me greatly. If I could wave a magic wand, then I would completely banish all of these insidious eye diseases that we have to endure. Hopefully, all of the antibiotics, plus the steroids, will have some impact upon the after effects from your injections. You are in my thoughts, as I know that it can feel very isolating with vision problems. I have not experienced an eye injection, and hope that I never have to. Sending you love and hugs, Susan.

Annsandra13 profile image
Annsandra13 in reply to

Thank you for your heart warming messages, such great support. I am getting very in-depth medical attention and I can see a little outline of a door frame today but no detail, so hopefully this may continue, the amount of meds are knocking me for six . Back with the consultant tomorrow who says I was very unlucky it seems it was caused by the injection, he can’t promise my eye will recover good sight. But fingers crossed.

Thank you and everyone for such lovely messages.

Love Ann x

fed13 profile image

Poor Ann! I'm so sorry. It must be really very nasty. I'm so sorry you're having to endure this. Please let us know how you get on. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!xxx

Annsandra13 profile image
Annsandra13 in reply to fed13

Thank you for your lovely message, I feel the relief after having the awful injections of antibiotics and removal of the fluid from the back of the eye and I’m back and fro to the eye clinic for monitoring, it seems I have a very big infection endophthalmitis, the consultant has told me I must persevere with the big doses of meds, they are still growing the sample of the bacteria.

Hopefully I won’t have to have more antibiotic injections tomorrow.

I am seeing a little more just shapes so I am hoping that means it is improving, they say this may take a month to see how much sight can be recovered.

I hope all is going well for you, thank you for reaching out, it means such a lot.

Love Ann x

alalex101 profile image

My heart goes ought to you. There are risks to any treatment and I am so sorry you are having such a terrible adverse reaction. Praying for you.

Annsandra13 profile image
Annsandra13 in reply to alalex101

Thank you for your lovely message, it means a lot, quite a devastating week but trying to be positive and hopeful.

Love Ann x

Hrosie profile image

I've not had similar problems but do have severe reaction to light all the time with my AMD - it is part of my condition. Have to wear a sun visor a lot of the time & UV blocking glasses. Hope you have some positive results from your treatment soon.

Annsandra13 profile image

Thank you so much for your lovely message. I hope you are coping .

A tiny bit of improvement today so fingers crossed..just struggling with all the meds so feeling lousy.

Kindest regards Ann

sunshine00 profile image

Best of luck to you Ann!

Annsandra13 profile image

Thank you means a lot xx

JJnan profile image

I'm so sorry Ann, it must be very traumatic for you, wishing and praying for a speedy recovery ❤

Annsandra13 profile image

Thank you your message is so kind xx

jwitts profile image

So very sorry you're going through this, and I do so hope your sight continues to clarify--the doorframe seems like a good omen. Please keep us updated. All best wishes for a full recovery.

springcross profile image

Hi Annsandra13. I am so sorry to hear what has happened to you. What an absolute nightmare for you to go through. I hope this will be over for you very soon and that your sight will be fully restored with no ill after-effects. I will be thinking of you. Best wishes. xx

Annsandra13 profile image

Hi , I am so overwhelmed by everyone’s kindness and messages of support.

I have to say it has been a nightmare week, I am starting to see a little more thankfully but the fluid seems to be at the front of the eye with lots of blacks bits.

The consultants have been very hands on and have confirmed it is Endophtalmitis and is a severe infection, they said it is very rare and can not guarantee I will recover the eyesight I had but I have a little improvement so that’s hopeful.

The amount of meds and steroids have made me feel very poorly and I think I have had too many steroids as my body seems to have gone into shock and feel very lethargic so have stopped them today, but will continue with the antibiotics as best I can for the next week.

I am keeping positive and go back to the consultant next Friday as he says it is about time now.

Hoping my friends on Macular are coping well. With this awful disease, and thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Love Ann x

carolreta profile image

Hi, sorry to hear about your experience. I too had Endophtalmitis - severe infection after an injection but think I’d got something in my eye that evening. My eye specialist said it was the first one he’d come across in his 30 years of practice. It was scary, I had to go every day to the hospital for a week after they’d admitted me for about three days and had five antibiotic injections into an inflamed and infected eye - not pleasant. However, my sight did recover, although I was left with some debris for a few months which did also clear eventually. So hopefully your sight will come back as well as mine did. BTW I am sensitive to Iodine but, because of risk of infection, they still use it but only put two drops in and rinse it out well, which now does not cause the 12 hours of excruciating pain I used to get after injections. My specialist will not let me have both eyes injected at the same time as a precaution. I’ve now had 52 injections in 6.5 years and I am delighted to say that my eyesight is way better than I imagined it would be after all this time.

Annsandra13 profile image
Annsandra13 in reply to carolreta

Hi Caroleta,

Oh poor you what a terrible experience, it’s so hard to explain to anyone the traumatic experience and the painful treatment, the amount of medication is a full time job administering it but it had to be done, I am allergic to quite a lot of meds foods etc, I carry a epi-pen . So I have felt so poorly but coming round a little now.

My consultant has confirmed it was caused by the injection! And like you I won’t have both eyes injected at the same time. It may be a good idea to try and tolerate the iodine, did you use preservative free drops after you got home.

I use Evolve.

I. Am so happy to hear your eyesight came back and you are having better sight than you thought.

We all have to do our best and keep hopeful, we are so fortunate to have such good support and kindness though the Macular community.

Wishing you all the very best.

Much love

Ann x

Gutfeelings profile image

Hi Ann

I just read your post and wanted to send you some support too I'm so sorry you are going through this and hope you will start to feel better soon. The combination of medication can be so draining and I know how that feels, different reasons to you but I also get exhausted by my medication which includes steroids for flareups. I joined the macular forum as my mum has amd and has been having injections for quite a few months.

I am a bit concerned about stopping the steroids too quickly as I am a nurse non practising now due to illhealth...but its usually advised to reduce them gradually over a several days unless you have had advice already from your doctors and I'm not trying to give you medical advice but I just wanted to mention it as you are going through so much bless you.

I hope your vision continues to improve and try to stay positive as you have been, you sound like a very strong lady to me and very courageous.

Let us know when you can how you are and remember we are all here for you.

Take care

Hugs from Rose and Mum xxx

Annsandra13 profile image

Hi Rose and Mum, what lovely caring message, thank you, such good advice, I reduced the steroids over just 2 /3 days, the consultant said after a week I could stop, my lymph nodes on my neck were aching so much and I felt as if I was tasting poison in the night so it kept me awake most of the night, with awful stomach pain.

So of course I want to continue to treat the infection now into my second week, so have stopped steroid/antibiotic drops, another antibiotic eye drop and continuing with the one antibiotic eye drop and tablets.

I am feeling a little better in myself but not on my feet yet, will check things out with my GP tomorrow. The sight in the eye is similar to yesterday a little sight of colours and objects.

Your message really helped, I do hope your mum has improvement as she progresses with her injections, you sound such lovely people.

Much love Ann x

Gutfeelings profile image

Hi Ann

Bless you thanks for the compliment you sound a lovely person too. I'm so pleased you have some improvement with the sight and hopefully it will improve more soon.

Some antibiotics can really drain you but fingers crossed you will feel stronger soon and you will pick up after they come out of your system. I'm glad the steroids were reduced over the days just thought I would check but it sounds like you have good team of doctors observing your progress closely.

Hope you can get some better quality sleep soon hun try to rest when you can.

Thinking of you...keep us updated when you feel up to it...

Love Rose and mum xx

Getwell89 profile image

Dear Annsandra13,

I am stunned to read this summary of your great misfortune with your last eye injection!

I had a similar scare a year ago but it was nowhere near what you are experiencing.

I have been getting eye injections in my right eye for over four years now. It is to the point where I know which staff members give careful prep with the drops for dilating the pupil and antiseptic for the eye itself. I seek out those very people!

I was told that eye infection is the most worrisome outcome after an injection.

I am hoping for the best for you! I just read your post today, and you are in my prayers daily from now on. I truly hope you are on your way to a full recovery! Hopefully all the drugs they have you taking will do the job that is sought!

Please post frequently with updates as to your progress. Our eyesight is so precious and it matters that you too will be back to the way you were before the injection.

Stay strong and keep up your hope and positive thoughts!


Catseyes235 profile image

Hope you’re much improved now and some sight returning. My brother had something similar which they thought was a reaction to Eyelea (then proved it wasn’t and they never really got to the bottom of it!) but he had steroids, and anti- biotic etc. It happened early on in his treatment but has never happened since. Btw to confirm You just have to reduce steroids slowly. When I had an op for Thyroid Eye Disease I was started on 40+ steroids and had to reduce by one or two every couple of days so took a long time to finish those off! As others have stated as well as your doc you have just been horribly unlucky so wishing you a good and lasting recovery.

Annsandra13 profile image

How lovely to hear from you, I hope all is going well for you? Sorry to hear about your brother, it is so devastating when it happens and very invasive.

I hope I have reduced the steroids well enough I’m afraid it was only over a couple of days. As I was so poorly, the doctor confirmed that the steroids had caused me bring so unwell, it felt like I was being poisoned and as toxic.

Anyway today I. Feel more me and my eyesight in the right eye is a little better seeing a bit more but no detail, I will be able to see the big A on the eyesight test this Friday I would think.

Off for blood tests today and checking for thrush as mouth and throat very sore.

I can’t express how much our community means at times like this, I fel very fortunate to have good friends.

Sending you my very best wishes and love

Ann x

Rosalyn-helpline profile image

Dear Annsandra13,

I have copied a link detailing support that we provide in case you feel that anything may be of help:


Kind regards,

ColWi profile image

I have a different genetic disorder. PXE, but I get the same injections every 6 weeks. I am so sorry to hear that. I hope the medication help get that sight back. I only have one good eye left, so I understand how scary this is. Keep us up to date. Praying for you.

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