Good Morning All. After my last Eylea shot 3 weeks ago in my right eye, I experienced double vision and the Dr. had to insert a needle to withdraw some of the fluid. I have been getting shots for about 6 years and also have glaucoma. I have gone blind a couple of times after shots, but never had double vision. Has anyone else experienced this and been told was caused it. Thanks so much.
Double Vision after Eylea shot.: Good... - Macular Society
Double Vision after Eylea shot.

so sorry to hear that is the double horizontal or vertical and does it go away if you close one eye?
I only had it for a few seconds after the injection and it stopped once the dr. withrew some of the fluid. Not sure if it was vertical or horizontal.
thankyou I have never heard of withdrawing fluid from the eye? What is this procedure called? - Macualar Society do you know
I have Glaucoma also and injections do raise the eye pressure. When I went blind after an injection becaue the pressure was too high she inserted a thin needle to extract some of the medication so it was the same procedure after the double vision. Not sure what it's called.
thank you I much for that I have ocular hypertension and take 3 eye drops for eye pressure last time my eye pressure went up to 37 after an injection so am well aware of the rise infact I am given iopodine just before an injection before I go to the clean room and straight after the injection to help with the pressure that has really helped me.
I work alongside ophthalmologists and will ask them. It sounds like it helped.
Thank you. When I went blind after my first injection with a new Dr. my pressure was way over 50 apparently. The RS I'm currently seeing believes he game me too much Eylea. These eye problems are very scary and every time I go it seems something else happens. Causes a lot of anxiety when I'm due for a shot.
I have glaucoma and in my left eye I have diabetic retinopathy, and have been having Eylea injections for over six months. For the last two, I went blind in that eye for several minutes and had to have extraction of some of the gel to relieve the pressure. My sight returned in a couple of minutes, but it was so scary! The next injection (my last one), the blindness was only for about half a minute, then I got double vision for a couple of minutes, very gradually returning to normal without needed to extract gel. I find eye injections very painful and these experiences do not help me to easily relax. My only way of handling it is repeating in my mind how thankful I am to have access this treatment rather than go blind permanently like so many in other countries. It is helpful sharing experiences on this site, as knowing you are not alone and learning more about eye injections does help. All the best for the future, Zool.
Thank you Australian Nigh Owl for your response. You are so right. Ten or so years ago there was no treatment available and people went blind. I too have to psyche myself up before each appt. but at least I am getting them at the Eye Institute, the best place to be if there are problems. So grateful for this site.
dear night owl. This does sound very frightening and I really empathise with the stress of finding the injections so painful. I do too. Research at the san paulo institute in Mexico found that 6% of patients had a pain experience of between 6 and ten on the pain scale. As so many patients just experience a pressure in the eye during injections those of us not so fortunate get ignored or brushed aside as psychosomatic pain. Keep complaining. Your experience of pain can be helped by injection of Novocain five minutes prior to the jag. Helps a lot if you can get someone to listen. Good luck to you.
I have a different condition but also get Eylea injection in both eyes every 6 weeks. I started to have a reaction in my right eye the time before the last one. It was like someone put a great vellum over my eyes. The last time I had blinding light with florescent blue in one eye and the other went blind. Yes, was the eye pressure. I would be interested if this is something recent with this medication or have other people had this side effect years ago. I had never had this before. I am so so sorry this happened to you.
So sorry you're having this problem. Never heard of the blinding flourescent blue light problem. Very scary. Did your RS indicate that this was also caused by the pressure?
He actually said he did not know what that is. But, I belong to a PXE groups, which is what I have and someone else said they had the same reaction to the medication. Yes that was eye pressure as well. Is a very scary side effect.