Dear all, I am posting this on behalf of my mother. She is suffering from Wet Diabetics Macular edema in her left eye. She is already taken 5 avastin injection, followed by given one ozurdex implant but not sufficient progress. Then she was given accentrix injection and focal laser. After that few progress was shown. But after two months later, during normal follow up, the edema problem occurred again.
During last follow up, dr suggest to give sector laser and give a Lucentis injection. Both are already given 5 days ago. But after having sector laser in her eye, my mother saw some dark shadow area in her eye when she look into something. Her vision was 6:9 before having the laser. And there are no such problem. I asked my dr regarding this issue, he replied this is a temporary problem created because of laser. It will be back to normal vision after passing 14-15 days. But I am afraid, is it a scar created because of laser? Will it fully recovered? Is there anyone here having same experience?? Please let me know, if anyone having this kind of experience. If you have any suggestions for this. Thank you in advanced.
I am adding the oct image before having last laser.