I have been having injections for wet AMD since last Jan. ..mostly 4 week intervals though once went to 6 weeks but returned to 4 and 5 when scheduling conflicted. there is still leakage mostly in right eye and Dr. wants to do laser treatment to stop leakage. We just switched to Aylea for the last 2months from avastin. My vision has remained about the same, in fact a bit better in right eye than earlier. It seems from what I have read that there are scarring risks and I wonder if waiting a while longer makes more sense. IOne Dr. I talked to tries each of the injectables for a while to see if one is more effective. Since I am responding to the medicine even though 4to 5 weeks is not convenient it is perhaps better that doing the laser treatment at this time. I would appreciate input from anyone who has had the laser zapping...I guess before the medications we now have that was the treatment but in general it is not used a lot now.
laser treatment for wet amd?: I have been... - Macular Society
laser treatment for wet amd?

My WMD bleed in my right eye was off to the side enough that my Retina Specialist actually wanted to try the laser first. He "talked" me into it & I agreed. Well, it did cause scar tissue & distorted my vision and 2 months later the bleed returned & I went through the Avastin shot every 4 weeks for several months until the Avastin stopped working and then I was switched to Eylia. I have had 3 Eylia shots so far with intervals of 4 weeks, 4weeks, & 5 weeks. I am getting my next shot of Eylia on November 29th with a 5 week interval. If the scan at that time looks good, we will then try for a 6 week interval.
So, as for the laser, it did not solve the problem for me. The Retina specialist had told me that if the bleed had been closer to the center of the eye, he never would have used laser, but since it was a bit to the side, he gave it a try. Unfortunately, it did not work for me & the scar tissue from the laser gives me a more distorted vision than I would have from just WMD without ever having the laser.
Health Unlocked
Avastin experience,
I am John Isherwood, 17 02 1 946.
Had early diagnosis of Wet Macular Disease. After x4 injections Avastin was discharged by Consultant.
That was x5 years ago, 2 013.
Driving never affected.
Treatment cured AMD.
Forever grateful.
Hi is it the pdt treatment I got funding 8 years ago and have had numerous treatments.
I get injections every four weeks from a Dr I hold with great respect. He hasn’t suggested lazer because of the risks.
When faced with this decision my retina specialist and I decided the risk was too great given that I still have functional vision though somewhat dim and distorted. He is old enough to have done PDT a lot prior to the anti vegf injections. He had a lot of good outcomes with PDT but some worsened which greatly distressed the patients of course. I think I will only try PDT if Vision is almost gone.

Dear 2see,
It may be worth you ringing your ophthalmologist via their secretary with a list of related questions and concerns.
It is up to your ophthalmologist to weigh up the risks and benefits of any treatments.
I am sending links to our booklet o Treatments and our Essential care guide to wet AMD:
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss anything further. The Macular Society Advice and Information service is open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday on 0300 3030 111.
Alternately, you can contact us via:
Kind regards,
Hi i have crvo in left eye, i had laser treatment yest and found the process v stressful and painful, still not sure where i stand as to preserving my eyesight,
Thankyou for yr advice, i have a lot of questions to ask at my nxt consultant appt