Iam a 54 year old women who has CSR Central Serouse Retinopathy, I am not a diabetic nor am I stressed, I don't take steroids and have had this condition for almost 13 years...my vision in just my right eye is bad from this disease. I recently have been going to university of michigan kellogg eye institute for eye injections which don't really help and I had 2 laser treatments which did not work. Getting a little depressed why all this is going on with my eye and thank God its just one eye. Any advice of someone in my situation?
CSR eye issue: Iam a 54 year old women who... - Macular Society
CSR eye issue

Hi Hadie
I'm sorry to hear this. I don't have any advice but understand your concern as I am in a similar position. I've had bilateral CAR for several years (I'm 47) and my right eye now had retinal scarring from it so my vision is poor in that eye. It's very frustrating not knowing what the eventual outcome will be. Good luck x
Hi hadie 1228
How frustrating for you not being told more by your medical team. The truth is that they probably don't know either what the eventual likely outcome is going to be. We are all different and the condition seems to be one that affects people in different ways, from curing itself within weeks or months to becoming chronic to total loss of central vision.
Have you had a chat with your consultant or GP regarding a dietary plan or supplements? It may be helpful to nourish and strengthen your retina?
Wishing you all the best.
I am a 57 year old female with subretinal fluid for several years. The 2 ophthalmologists don't agree if CSR or Cnv. I also have some shaped macula and myopic degeneration. Injections of licentis nor avastin helped. I am having PDT, a laser treatment soon but am told recurrence is common even if it helps. I had only one Cnv in my right eye and it improved quickly with one injection. One frustration is not knowing if my vision will quickly deteriorate or remain stable for a few years. I wish there were more studies on CSR. My ophthalmologist consulted with Dr Lee Jampol on Chicago who advised that PDT is the only treatment option. Are you myopic? It is of interest to know that others are experiencing the same conditions. Keep me posted if you improve or worsen. My brother has lost all vision in his right eye now and is 20/150 in the left yet he continues to cook, care for himself and enjoy life. He inspires me!

Dear hadie1228,
It sounds as if you are based in the US?
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Hi there, I am in the same boat as you. I am a male hitting 40 soon. I had 20/20 in both eyes now one eye can't read any text on screens due to scarring and damage to the tissue.
3 years later, my eye now suffers from on going soreness and discomfort and mild case of double vision. I wanted to know if you had any of these symptoms. I have seen so many people on this with no real answers to the soreness. It really does bother me quite a bit.
I have been told if you have macular degeneration in one eye you will get it in the other I am freaking out.