My third monthly avastin shot three days ago and my vision is getting worse. Has anyone else had this happen. The first two really helped
Avastin shots: My third monthly avastin shot... - Macular Society
Avastin shots

Hi uddyeller, don't know about avastin but I find with Lucentis that my vision gets worse for a day or so then gets better. I'm sure there will be someone on here who can share avastin experiences.
Best wishes to you going forward x

Thank you for your response . This is the first time it has gotten worse after a shot. Going on over a week and it isn't getting better, can't really focus on anything. Going to call Dr tomorrow. They are trying to get me in a program for Ivea since my insurance will not cover anything until I meet a 5000 deductible. If I didn't have one good eye I would be unable to do anything. I have been legally blind before for an eye disease many years ago but a corneal transplant restored my vision. What's worse about this is the awful distortion and black clouds and it really plays with your mind ect. I'm sure there will be a cure one of these days or at least drops you can put in your eyes. These shots don't bother me but they are kind of barbaric in this day and age.
Dear Uddyeller it seems we are all different, but I'm in the same boat! First couple of injections there was improvement but now not so good! I guess we gotta be patient but it's all a bit of a rollercoaster with our eyes and what the reactions are, get ready for ups and downs☹️️ I've had 3 Eylea and 4th 22nd november. Good luck and keep us posted xx
Great user name!! Need to change mine. How long have you had this MD? Yes my eye has really went down hill since I was first diagnosed in August. My first shot I was back to 20/20 and it lasted two months. Second was 20/30 and lasted only a month, I felt he should have given my another shot then but he didn't see any openings in my macular, even though my vision was a very wavy 20/30. Another month it really started getting bad and went back, OTC scAn showed it had really opened up and was bleeding, so gave me an avastin shot and recommended I see if I can get approved for the Elyea asstsance program since my insurance won't pay and even with that I still have to pay 300 dollars. So I am hoping they will approve me for my next injection. But wondering if any of them really work once the eye gets really bad.
OMG you are in the states! We are very lucky in U.K. All injections free, so I'm not paying for my Eylea injections. It could be very costly as some people need at least 15 injections. I'm going to have my 4th injection next month I think they are helping but time will tell! I'll keep you posted $300 a pop seems very expensive xx good luck and keep us posted 💜
Hi Uddyeller, I live in Portugal but I'm British and have had 8 avastin injections so far but the surgeon doesn't think my eyes are responding as well as they'd hoped for! I've got glasses for distance & driving but I'm not happy as my vision seems more blurred. I'm going to a hospital in Paris next week for a 2 nd opinion as the 2 eye hospitals in London didn't seem interested in giving second opinions! I've read as much as I can on Avastin but it seems it's used for cancer but also for AMD - I am going to ask my eye surgeon if he will change to Lucentis - I will let you know how I get on and I'd like to hear how you're getting on.👀
There have been many concerns about Barts/Moorfields.
Would it be possible for you to be referred to St Paul's Eye Research Clinic at the Royal Liverpool Hospital? They are World Class. I have been a patient there for decades. At the last count, they treat patients from 34 countries!
St. Paul's are a joke , I've been waiting 5 months for a follow up app when dr said I must return in three months ivevphoned on numerous occasions and get told January 2927 patients are still waiting for follow up app , and when you do get an app you are there about 4 hours plus 2 hours travelling time home and back
Oh dear! Clearly you attend a different clinic there. Presumably the one on the GF. I visit the ocular oncology clinic on the 1st floor every 4 weeks and can be in and out in 45mins.😮
Yes I've been to that clinic you are in an out , it's the ground floor clinic , absolute nightmare
The Specialist Nurse for the AMD Clinic is Sandy Taylor. Try calling her. I know they are v busy there but pushing for a cancellation can often work.
You are smart and lucky to get a second opinion. Avastin is very inexpensive to get which is why a lot of Dr s use it . For me it's is expensive ( 400) because my insurance will not cover anything until I meet a 5000 deductible yearly which I never will😟 So he is trying to get me on an assistance program that will help pay for Eylea, which is specifically for macular degenerative disease , unlike Avastin, And I don't care what they say that avastin doesn't have side effects, it does. Brain fog, extreme tiredness, really hungry ect. Have you had any of that?
Had my fourth avastin shot a week and half ago and not only did my eye look like it was bleeding for a week, my vision was nonexistent, nothing but swirls and black spots, plus extreme brain fog and lethargy, That was the worse I have been and I could not afford to do a follow up so I just prayed it would get better. It has gotten better but this time my vision is nothing like it has been . Cannot see close and watching TV is an ordeal. People that know nothing aboout this disease have no idea how it affects your everyday living. Please, let me know what the Drs say in Paris when you go.