He is 3yrs old a shar pie the wrinkly dogs. he has skin rashes, joints that swell up and are hot,whn they tried steriods his ankles strank and lost all there fluid. He is off his food and is not he usual self. They have done skin scrapping and have not any mites.He has had antibotics and piroten which makes him sleepy. I have lupus so i dont know if its because I have lupus that i wondered but the vets dont seem to know what to do next. The breed do have problems and I read about the breed can have lupus in an american breed book. Any ideas...
I think my dog has Lupus.....: He is 3yrs old a... - LUPUS UK
I think my dog has Lupus.....

One of the American Presidents dog had Croins. so why not Lupus.
But to be honest i don't have any ideas,have they done a blood test for lupus
(If there is one for dogs)
please let us know the out come as this is interesting
I have finished the antibotics so i thought i would monitor him over the next few days and see where this goes, I dont know if there is a blood test but ill ask. The piriton does not seem to make any difference except make him sleep but his joints are still hot and retaining fluid.
my pain consultants horse had lupus aparently any animal can!
a friends cat also had a lupus like condition and its hair fell out the put it on a mild immunosurpressant and it tsayed very well.
As above, an ANA and clinical symptomology is the only way to go.... unless your dog knows how to talk...
even if it's not lupus it may be an indicator of another auto immune disease.
best bet is for a full blood panel to be run as they would do in humans. The tests available are the same.
And yes, when you have Lupus, you start to notice similarities that you never noticed before and your brain logically see's lupus as an option.
George and Barbara bush had a dog with lupus so it is possible x x
Your lupus has nothing to do with your dog's possibility of having lupus. Lupus is not caused by a pathogen (bacteria, virus, toxin) and therefore cannot be passed from person to person or person to animal.
If you think your dog has lupus, take it to the vet.