Hi all hope you are all coping with this cold weather?
I was just wondering if anyone has suffered with anxiety? I've had a very stressful 6-9,I was seen 4 weeks ago by the Dr at the hospital who said to start taking amiltripthine 10mg (I'm not sure how to spell it ) at night to try and help me sleep then 3 weeks ago i had this strange feeling I couldn't stop crying and felt frightened in fact terrified but I didn't no what of I had been on the new meds 6 days so i stooped taking them. i was unable to get an appointment at the Dr until the following week so spent the week trying to stay calm but nothing was working i even thought i was going mad !! a pattern soon developed and its worse in the morning so much so i cant take the children to school or go out on my own in fact i haven't been out on my own since this started,Ive been taking propranolo now for 13 days they have definitely helped and the Dr has said it will get better she also said she thinks the amiltripthine might have started the symptoms off ( i really hope so ive never felt so scared or alone ) I have a very supportive family but don't want to become a burden,I Just want to be better xx