I have been doc and I have ear and throat infection, I have been prescribed antibiotics again. Anyone any ideas how I can recover quickly and stop my lupus from flaring up? Thanks
Disaster I have half marathon on Sunday to raise ... - LUPUS UK
Disaster I have half marathon on Sunday to raise awareness and money for lupus and I am poorly again!!

oh dear sorry to hear that ... i did a 10 k to raise lupus awareness a few years ago in the hottest day of that year...not a good idea!you really need to listen to your body and maybe take advice from a rheumy nurse...if you decide to do it pace yourself, keep yourself hydrated well done you for raising awareness..sending all the best and be kind to yourself
I'm really sorry to hear that you are poorly, when you were planning to do such a worth while fundraising event. But maybe this is the time when you need to put your health first & concentrate on getting your self better, without going into too much of flare.
Is there anyone you could ask to run on your behalf? Maybe if you contact the organisers they would be able to ask around for you.
Where is the half marathon you were to run? Maybe you could ask on here & other lupus websites to see if someone could step in on your behalf?
I find with lupus you always have to be prepared for the worst, & I don't mean this in a pessimistic way. It's more a case of being realistic about what your body will allow you to do at a certain point in time. This helps me to avoid being disappointed when I am limited by my illness. But there will be times when you can do more, & fulfill your goal. Try to be patient.
Very best wishes, take good care of yourself. X
I really would advise you to start a new thread asking for volunteers to walk the half marathon for you.
we all understand that any arrangement is subject to your health and therefor change at short notice.
You may feel up to it on sunday morning, but 13 miles will take a hard toll on you if you are not at full par.
Wish that I could step in for you, but cannot manage more that 3 miles without a day to recover.
Thanks for your responses. I have spent all day in bed still feeling exhausted. My sis is also completing it with me so worse case scenario she will still complete it in aid of lupus. I am determined to get better, fingers crossed! I know if I do it I'm going to have to pace myself and prob walk. Frustrating I have done so much training I did 10 miles a couple of weeks ago which is all the training guide tells you too do! Its times like this lupus drives me mad I so like most people wish I didn't suffer
Hi all, just wanted to share with you all that I managed to complete the Liverpool half marathon yesterday wahooooooooo, raised £350 for lupus uk!!!! Can't move today I'm in agony but really pleased with my acheivement! Thanks for the advice managed it in 2hrs 30min not bad for a loupie!