1.Send a tweet about lupus
2. Share our new video; youtube.com/watch?v=_B6c6k3...
3.Ask an employer to do a fancy dress day at work (£1 to dress up, £2 to not dress up)
4.Coffee Morning, Afternoon Tea, Cheese & Wine Evening - bit.ly/1pHWQLY
5.Sign up to easyfundraising.com - bit.ly/lNZV6n (We receive funds when you shop online, at no cost to you!)
6.Start using easysearch search engine - bit.ly/Ao4Miq (We receive funds every time you search, at no cost to you!)
7.Sell some unwanted items on eBay for LUPUS UK - bit.ly/lYudIs
8.Hold a quiz night
9.Send an email about lupus to friends
10.Suggest the LUPUS UK facebook page to a friend – facebook.com/LUPUSUK
11.Suggest the LUPUS UK twitter account to a friend - @LUPUSUK
12.Take part in a sponsored run/swim/cycle
13.Do a sponsored sleep-in (see, there is something for everyone)
14.Share LUPUS UK's Facebook posts throughout the month
15.Order some of our lupus bookmarks to leave at your local library - bit.ly/1nClEsU
16.Do a cake stall
17.Balloon launch (LUPUS UK balloons are available from National Office if you contact us)
18.Let people know about our text to donate service. Simply text LUUK16 plus the amount you’d like to sponsor (£1, £2, £3, £4, £5, £10) to 70070. Eg. Text ‘LUUK16 £2’ to 70070
19.Ask for an awareness poster from National Office to put up in your work place or GP surgery
20.Ask for a ‘shout out’ for Lupus Awareness Month on the radio
Last updated October 2014