I agree with many of the previous postings on this subject. Antibiotics wreck me and make me ill for a long long time. Viral infections too but they go hand in glove with a weakened immune system. Probiotics help.somewhat but you can never ever replace the flora destroyed with the antibiotic. Doctors tell you to eat yogurt and all will be well. They are wrong.
Antibiotics and viral infections.: I agree with... - LUPUS UK
Antibiotics and viral infections.

Yes, yogurts certainly don't work for me - bring on tight chest, laboured breathing and asthma attacks. I suspect it is the dairy side of it, but probiotics make me ill, too.
Cann.....finally i hear of someone not getting on with probiotics,they make me really unwell ,i think for me they trigger an immune response?I beleive , as i have a leaky gut when i take them they enter the bloodstream and cause a reaction ,im wandering if this is why i had a flare last week?and am still trying to recover ;( antibiotics dont like me either ,but i guess we all take them from time to time?
Its probably because you are using a DAIRY based probiotic. Other forms of good flora can come from sauerkraut and other fermented veggies. Garlic is the best antibiotic and other foods too. I have had lupus for over 35 years and I have not taken any cortisone or plaquenil. I try other things but the best thing is a good diet. I still have lousy flares --very debilitating but I am resolute that I will not go down the road of heavy duty drugs.
Me again, I too use sauerkraut (love it!) and garlic and onion are great natural antibiotics. Glad to hear I'm not on my own taking the 'scenic route' to health. Well, it's a healthy-ish route! Going organic has been a great help. Everything tastes better, is more filling and makes me feel good all round. I still have flare-type periods but the flares are much less severe and they can come and go in a day or two ..hours even. Flares no longer linger for months on end like in the past. xxx
Before my homoeopathic treatment, probiotics, joghurt, milk, cream, eggs etc, made me quite unwell (leaky gut!). After treatment, I now take a probiotic tablet in the morning and enjoy a large dollop of organic yoghurt with my lunch. Feels like a miracle to be able to eat without becoming '7 months pregnant' within 20 minutes after eating.
I was prescribed masses of antibiotics as a child and in my teens (nobody thought my many problems could be due to lupus back then!), so couldn't agree more about the down-side of antibiotics. Even more so now after today's News programme!! Nature will hit back and I think people will have to go back to using simple natural remedies and methods more. I do and I am lucky in that it works for me. Hope you all find something that works for you. xxx
Yes, garlic is natures antibiotic and I use it, but only when I muscle test that it is the right thing.
My body seems to like variety and I use herbs for fighting infection. I am drinking thyme tea today - one pinch in one pint of boiling water and sip throughout the day. I was sneezing and feeling like starting a cold this morning, so muscle tested and found I needed the thyme. I keep a selection of dried herbs and test regularly to see what I need. I also find spring onions help me, too.
I tried all probiotics including dairy free and my practitioner agreed from testing me that I couldn't take them. I suspect my gut is so sensitive after the damage of the two courses of antibiotics plus other drugs until I wisened up! that it only wants small amounts of natural things. I do test probiotics, though and should my muscles be strong I would try them again, but not till then. We are all different and it is good to suggest things, but we must do what is right for each of us. Good luck and keep positive.
Oh! I am so very pleased that someone else is going the natural route. I have a holistic dentist here and he uses kineasthesioogy (sp?) and muscle tests me for everything before even cleaning my teeth!! Sometimes when I am having a flare I have to back off a lot of my herbal stuff and return bit by bit as I progress. I make my own yogurt out of coconut milk. It amazing that something so sweet can eat end so sour when culotured. I love it and its so easy to digest. Keep up the good work. I am suffering at the moment but will no succumb to drugs.
Good health and Happy St. Patrick's day!
I have to follow the natural route and like you I have to back off the herbs even at times of flare ups, but the muscle testing is brilliant provided I am prepared to stick to it.
When I get a flare up in my gut I get so hungry, but eating can make it worse, so I rest and fast a little until I find from testing I can eat again.
I had a good dentist that muscle tested, but he retired. I do have a good one now who is learning about patients like me and quite knowledgeable.
Where is your dentist based? They are few and far between, however.