Hey gang
Hope everyone is well. Just thought I'd have a little rant as I'm feeling thoroughly fed up. I've been feeling ill for nearly a year now and I'm still being told there is nothing that can be done and that I need to 'pace it'.
Every time I have blood tests done my ana comes back positive, and I'm easily exhausted and my muscle kill after doing very little. I just want my life back to normal. I've been back at work and on a good day I can do a full day... But the slightest thing, like last night not getting a good nights sleep, sets everything off.
I think it hits me when social events come up... My friends are planning a trip to Brussels in feb and I'm just annoyed that I don't know if ill be able to manage it or not.
I KNOW my body is not right, and I'm trying so hard to be normal but all I ever hear from doctors is 'pace it'! I know that none of you can do anything... Just wanted a rant.
Rant over!!!!