Has any one used flaxseed oil tablets, they are a herbal medicine, that hav good results...i asked my doctor but she said to not go on them
Has any one used flaxseed oil tablets,: Has any one... - LUPUS UK
Has any one used flaxseed oil tablets,

Hi yes i do, but i take them to help prevent the osteoprosis (apparently very good for that) and i am on steroids so bones need all the help they can get. know one has ever told me not to take them and i dont seem to get any ill effects from them. have a dexa scan in a few months may then know more about how helpful they are. i also take them as im a vegitarian so its a good source of vegiterian omega oils. but you should ask your dr why you shouldnt go on them as certain herbal medicines can interact with the convention medication the dr prescribe, so i would recommend you go back and ask WHY? some interactions between herbal and medical can be very dangerous. think high dose Garlic capsules and warfrin dont go together. i cannot have grapefruite juice with some of my medications. so please check.
Pharmacists are very good at what goes with what and what does not. If you are on anti depressants you can't take st Johns's wort tabs.
I have been told not to touch St. John's Wort anyway as it can cause a flare up. I would be very careful when taking ANY herbal medicines as they can work against your prescribed medicine. I only stick to multivitamins/Vit C/Evening Primrose Oil. and similar things. I would check with your GP before taking anything, just to be sure.
Hi mojo,
I would ask your doctor why she has advised you not to take flaxseed oil. As a nutritionist (qualifications visible at vitalitywithin.com) I don't quite understand the reasoning behind it unless you are on medication which would interact? From a nutritional point of view there may be more benefit in taking fish oil supplements in order to get the long chain omega 3 fats (flaxseeds only provide the short chain versions and the body struggles to convert these to long chain). The omega 3 fats found in fish oil have been shown in various medical studies to be useful for the health of the heart and brain and may be as good as anti-depressants for the treatment of depression. Currently I am doing my best to finish writing a review paper about nutrition/lifestyle and lupus and there is preliminary evidence that long chain omega 3 fatty acids may be useful to lupus sufferers - however, it is only advisable to take nutritional supplements after checking with your medical doctor.
thanx to all of you whom answered this, i did ask my consultant at the hospital, and she said that i shouldnt take them as they dont know if there will be any contradictions with my meds, i know mega 3 oils are bebificial to you re ioint pain ect.. i will leave them for now untill i know for certain dont want to undo any help that has been given already thanx guys..
wish you all well