Please can you share your experiences wheather it works or doesnt work for you I struggle with the urge of going to the toilet but belive since I started the medication I cant even hold it for an hour and a half please still share your experience
Has anyone used oxybutynin for urine incontinence?? - LUPUS UK
Has anyone used oxybutynin for urine incontinence??

I've been on it for about 10 years, it never really helped with the urge but did help deal with the pain from the spasms
which was excruciating at times particularly first thing in the morning.
I just had it done 2 weeks ago. I have lupus as well. So far not working but it takes 2 to 3 weeks need a break
Hi Metoyou
I'm on Oxybutynin, been taking it a while and it's been so helpful calming my bladder down. How long have you been taking it?. Hope your better soonX
Since tuesday how long does it take to work fully like you will stop feeling the urge to go
I've been on this meds for months & one day it stopped working. I don't get it.
Hi chemo
Sorry to read oxybutynin has suddenly stopped working!. Our bodies can suddenly get used to drugs and they stop being helpful. There may be others you could try. I took loratidine for a long time and it helped my bladder. It's an anti histamine . Worth asking your GP. Good luck. X
I am on Oxybutynin for an over active bladder. So far it has worked but I do find I need the loo rather often. From what I understand it helps you empty your bladder completely, which means sometimes when I have finished peeing I need to continue sitting on the loo to wait for more pee to come. Sometimes I think I have finished then ten minutes I am busting again so I obviously have not emptied my bladder completely. If in doubt go and see a lady doctor and discuss your concerns. Best of luck x
Hi Hun, I am on it for oab, and it has helped with the cramps an also with the urgency, still have to get up at night though!! Y urologist was lovely, but then on my last appt he was on leave, saw another one and he said to wean myself off? Tried and failed symptoms reoccurred really quickly so dr put me straight back on it x best of like Hun, I hope it works well for you xxx
I think I have weird symptoms uno I sometimes get up at night sometimes not at all but always have this urge even after I go toilet that I need to go but theres nothing there its not a constant thing and sometimes comes and goes on its own then comes back all of a sudden for no reason sometimes evn before my period
I think that's what you need to work on, your thoughts and when you sort them out your bladder will begin to calm. The bladder nurse I saw said you have to make yourself hold your wee, and resist the urge to go starting by counting to 10 then 20, etc etc. so that you re-train your body to slow the response to its signals. Some people's nerves become highly sensitive and stay at 'screaming pitch' so it's a kind of self-hypnosis really, where you don't allow your bladder to control you, you take that control back. It's hard, and you really have to concentrate but can be done. I used to be like you, didn't want to go out, and if I had to go out I didn't drink anything in the morning other than my one early morning coffee so that I felt more comfortable. If you can focus on someting else, a new stimulus, and chase those unwelcome thoughts away as soon as they appear, you will be amazed at how long you can actually go without needing the toilet.
I was told to cut out caffeine and tomatoes amongst other things, made a big difference..