Well, had Lupus/Connective Tissue Disease for 6 years now and was relatively settled on Methotrexate until last November when I started having breathing problems. Got told to stop the Methotrexate as they probably wouldn't help. The problem - found out eventually - was due to deep infection on my lung which, although visiting the GP almost weekly, had been missed until I could hardly draw breath, even began to think my time had come, no joke.
The end result is my lung partially collapsed and now due to scarring I am unlikely to get the use of the bottom half of my right lung back, so I am still having problems if I do ANY exertion whatsoever.
My Rheumatologist put me on 30mg day steroids to help me with my breathing and they have helped but I've also blown up, it's ok having a 'cheeky round face' when you're two but not such fun when you get to my age, I've also put on some weight but have really tried hard not to over eat.
Got referred to a Respiratory Consultant - ha, what a laugh, think he got his qualification out of a luck bag. I'm only just calming down from my appointment last week. Apparently there is nothing wrong with me, I just weigh too much and must go away and lose 6 stone then all my breathing problems will be over............ should have a sign on his door saying 'Welcome to the Twilight Zone' went in hoping to get some answers on my breathing/lungs came out thinking I had been at Weightwatchers!!!
Lost no time getting to see my GP, who nearly fell off his chair when I related everything to him, and am now waiting for a referal to a different hospital.
Feels better to get that off my chest!