with lupus do i need to visit my doc every time i have a flare !!!??? think i am having one at the mo so taking it easy !
flare !!!??: with lupus do i need to visit my doc... - LUPUS UK
flare !!!??

hi larissa
me personally i would not visit doctor unless i felt very unwell then i would proberly call my rhumy nurse first,i find my nurses very informative and can relay any concerns back to my rhumy doc usually that day.
however if you are worried then a trip to the docs won t hurt to put your mind at rest, when i have my flare they feel exactly the same no new symptons but if i suddenly developed a new sympton then i would call my nurse.
sorry to hear you feel unwell and at easter time to. stay in doors on the couch and enjoy an easter egg you deserve it !!!! chocolate always makes me feel better.
debs xx
thanks Debs, i dont feel the urge to visit the doc but as i know little about Lupus i wasnt sure if you were supposed to !? does it mean the disease is active again if you have a flare !!!??? i dont know !!!!!!!
And , i love chocolate ! its my weakness !!!
I am feeling a lot better after taking it a bit easy today ,thankyou,
lara xx
Do you have a rash on your face and body? When I get those I go to my doc and get an injection and they clear up.
no, no rashes , just in alot more pain and much more tired, and by the eve so tired i get a bit foggy headed and slur my words a bit x
When I have a flare, I dont usually contact doc or rheumy nurse unless feeling really poorly and feel that I need some different meds.