can i ask what symptoms prompt them to think they are having a flare. i always presume for me it s the massive increase in fatigue-
flare: can i ask what symptoms prompt them to think... - LUPUS UK

I have increased fatigue and joint pains xx
Yes me too, fatigue, joint pains, increased facial redness and burning and generally feeling so ill I don't know what to do with myself!
Thankfully it's interspersed with good days more often as time goes on....18mths for me and when I look back at 2 yrs ago I realise how much better I am now.
wishing everyone a good week. x
The things that really stand out when I have a flare is I get a very sore throat and I lose my voice, I get lots of mouth ulcers and feel very tired and achy.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww- that s odd because that is something i have started to suffer from and my tongue goes orange/brown colour
i get mouth ulcers mainly on the sides of my tongue, sometimes nose ulcers (these are new for me - yuck), and extreme fatigue. I also almost always get a low grade fever. my upper arms ache (myalgia) and i get brain fog. joint pain increases but the other things are my real warning signs.
yea think have flare up - back red rash eyes very sore bad cough as if losing voice upper arms feel like lead
what to do ? just stay in bedand take it easy -dont know what to do