Today Brain Fog is truly cloudy no rain expected. Ha. Recently I bought this large ceramic erasable board where I list what tasks I have going on. I can add or erase a completed task. If I have no tasks, but still have Brain Fog( notice I put it in capitol letters as recognition of a person, “Ms. Brain Fog”). She lives with me and we both appreciate it when she leaves the house for long walks. See, Ms. Brain Fog goofed the structure of my sentence. When I do not have Brain Fog, I write myself a message. Usually something like “Hello Gorgeous!.”
Brain Fog Techniques that work for you: Today Brain... - LUPUS UK
Brain Fog Techniques that work for you

I like it, ☺️😉
It's just a problem if you can't think what needs to go on the 'to do' list because of the brain fog.
I personally have to try and make things go into a particular memory, in a non declarative memory, to try and get the brain fog to hinder me less.
The notion, of non declarative memories, like that akin to riding a bike, it can be formed by habituation or sensitisation, by some is considered procedural. A routine for one, will eventually become so clockwork that one doesn't have to even recall or consciously think to do it. For me I can't recall alot of facts or reasons why I do certain things at times. I struggle to learn new things so I do them until I don't give them a second thought. It takes longer to form such memories but they are outside the realm of Ms Brain Fog.
Plus I have a DONT FORGET on my door, because so often I used to forget things for work or my keys etc. When the foggy blockade is strong I remain doing what's habitual and safe, higher processing can be left to someone else. 😅
Lottie x
I hope you can chuckle and appreciate that I’ve read your post 3 or 4 times now and it is well delivered I know but it’s still another Ms. Brainfog day and your response is somewhere up in the cloud🧐.
On another note I’m glad so many enjoyed this idea but what are your ideas that help you live on a day Ms Brainfog comes calling?
I do not work anymore; and if this symptom
Came to work with me I’m not sure I could fake it! Best to all except Ms. Brainfog.
Hey Titters,
I'm not even sure I remember writing this response haha. I'm glad there's alerts on this forum 😅
But in all seriousness, working can be a nightmare, it is as if someone has put a heavy cloud on my forehead, nothing penetrates it. I struggle to work with brain fog, I manage by following protocols and proformas rather than using my problem solving skills or interlect. At times I feel like packing it all in on some days, esp. since the neurolupus has caused a bit of a brain mess alongside other things.
1. Be kind to yourself
2. You have to re read something a hundred times then I find listening to it easier
3. Let others know if needed
4. Vit b and d are good brain vits
5. Sometimes I need an extra caffeine boost to get the ball rolling.
6. Note take always, I struggle to remember something a half hr later, and can loose weeks at a time so if I can note it at the time that helps
7. Just before bedtime is the best time to store memories
8. Reflect on the day in the evening to try and improve your recall of the days events.
9. Get more sleep and ride the wave is all you can do at times
10. Try less taxing or simple mind games to keep the brain a little active with easy goals.
11. Egg timers or alarms for that extra reminder
12. Ask others to help remind you when your struggling
I'm sorry I can't be of much use 💖
Thats terrific titters. I love how you make a positive out of what can be a tough symptom to deal with. Such a good idea. Xx