hello all
I posted here back in July after a private rheumatologist said my ongoing severe joint pain could be lupus based on the rashes (mostly malar) that was intermittently an issue.
I met with NHS rheumatology in October who couldn’t “fit me neatly into one CTD”. Anyhow, they started me on steroids again in November, had more bloods and follow up in December and wrote to me before Christmas that they were starting me on hydroxychloroquine in January: yay, a way forward even without a firm diagnosis.
However I was then hospitalised before Christmas for three days and it turns out it’s something quite rare called ischemic colitis. I had a follow up with gastroenterology today who laid all the evidence out and he believes it was caused by Lupus. He’s writing to rheumatology with their position on that too.
I did search this forum at the time but couldn’t see anyone mention this as a complication of lupus. I guess I’m posting as it’s still of a firm diagnosis but maybe one step closer and more likely lupus? Gastro are going to check my colon in 6 weeks to make sure it’s fully healed, and he also wants to ensure I get on the right treatment to prevent it happening again. He’s also going to highlight the heart concern (tachycardia pretty much throughout) to make sure rheumatology keep an eye on this.
Is there anything else you think I can do? Either from a research perspective, looking after myself perspective or in terms of tests etc? Thanks all x