so this may be a weird one .
Everything I wear almost.. sports bras, pants , stretchy yoga pants, socks, bracelets… they all leave impressions on my skin.
Anyone else ?
so this may be a weird one .
Everything I wear almost.. sports bras, pants , stretchy yoga pants, socks, bracelets… they all leave impressions on my skin.
Anyone else ?
Yes, so I think I have Lypedema and it's very hard to get a diagnosis of this in the UK they confuse with Lymphedema
I think it's very bad circulation as well. If you go online and check Lypedema signs it's one of them. It's so hard
I have had this in past but now only in my finger pads and backs of hands. For me it was widespread fluid retention I believe and due to having connective tissue disease extremes of hypermobile EDS and Systemic Sclerosis. I used to be nearly 14 stone when misdiagnosed and untreated. Then I lost a lot of weight when I developed severe gastroparesis and slow transit (now have a stoma) and, since being on mycophenolate for almost five years, no longer have this problem, apart from in my hands where it’s due to skin hardening with loss of padding.
Hi . I have lipedema as well as lupus and everything leave marks.
See when I google lipedema it says it’s abnormal fat in the lower limbs …. Is this wrong ? lol
I read same and definitely not me either. I saw a masseur for fatty deposits that had tethered to my ribs after falls before the pandemic. She was anatomy trained and said that my chest felt like a cadaver’s! We researched independently and both decided this was lymphoedema- but due to my connective tissue disorder rather than any cancer surgery or treatments as commonly associated. Later a scleroderma specialist confirmed this theory and also diagnosed my hypermobility. I also have Sjogren’s but it’s not considered my main autoimmune disease anymore. I’m now 8 stone and it’s less apparent but I still get marks on my ankles and feet from socks or boots and deep indentations on fingers with anything I touch despite no visible swelling.
That's what it is. If you have slim legs then you could have water retention. Worth mentioning to your GP or specialist.
Ya , I have slim legs . Still slim despite the pitting edema and it’s only on my shins. GP checked me out and has no clue why it’s happening because all labs are fine
I also have slim legs, but get sock marks around my ankles that linger for hours/a day after they've been taken off. It doesn't look like I have obvious swelling or water retention, but I sort of assumed I must have. It's hard to tell, as it's not as if I measured my ankles before this happened!
I have darkened areas of skin where clothes are too, but they seem more permamant.
Definitely worth mentioning it to yr specialist. I'd leave them a message on their hotline. Hope you get it sorted
That's down to elastic waist bands tops of socks have elastic so all make mark even sports bras
The warmer you are incorrect sizes moving around or even mild ankle fluid retention they will leave a mark.
I purposely trim elastic off socks to reduce this works well
Sometimes it's brand poor quality elastic
Could it be your laundry washFabric conditioner
Hi Sammie, i have primary lymphoedema, which without compression stockings makes my feet & legs swell which then makes them feel dull and heavy. you can get lymphoedema in the rest of your body but this tends to be if youve had treatment for cancer.
The clinic I attend say that they see a lot of people that also have sjogrens which can effect the lymph nodes. I get indents on the rest of my body (not like my puffy legs) which I think is fluid retention of some sort. If i weigh myself morning and night time, there is always 3lb more at night and gone in the morning. ( not sure if this is normal for everyone 😁) also if im tired I can feel my lymph nodes raised. massage works well or heat pad. relaxed fit clothing is my solution, although doesnt help with underwear ☺️
if youre concerned ask your doctor if its worth seeing a vasculitis consultant, (assuming youve not seen one? ) they could if necessary organise a scan to see if theres any reason for the indents you're getting.
one thing I have noticed, is that since having my diagnosis of lupus sle and sjogrens and taking hydroxychloroquine, my legs are not so swollen and my skin condition doesnt have as many problems as I used to have.
Hope you get an answer that helps solve your marks.
im not sure if vasculitis could cause it? it sounds more like a problem within the lymphatic system.
If clothes are making an IMPRESSION on your skin wherever then it’s likely that they are too tight fitting around that area?👆☝️OR backflow problems with your circulation?
For example many buy soft hold/NON-elasticated socks (diabetic socks) because of swollen ankles and feet to help with back circulation to the heart!
It’s called oedema (build up of fluid in the joints, feet, ankles etc). Check clothing for tightness!👆
Check backflow/peripheral circulatory performance!
Note that vasculitis is primarily an inflammatory condition of the small blood vessels usually veins. capillaries at your extremities eg fingers, hands, feet and toes.
Are the marks raised? I am not trying to diagnose you but actually had an experience that might be helpful. I was being worked up for a particular illness and the doctor took a wooden stick and scratched areas on my back. It was to see the reaction.
Could you take a photo? Mention this to your doctor. If you were to draw your name on your skin, what would happen?
Those marks aren’t raised , but if I do scratch my skin it doesn’t leave raised marks , but almost instantly causes deep red lines
Do you also have autoimmune disease? We tend to have hyperactive immune systems. You could be having an allergic type of reaction.
I would definitely mention this to your GP. A photo will be helpful. Some people react to pressure. My niece reacts even to wearing a shoulder bag.
Do you have any other unusual reactions? The doctor will likely ask you. Temperature change? Vibration?
and I get this. It isn’t raised , just goes red .
My legs though get indentations though, not resided red marks
SCLE (Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus), no scarring unlike DLE!?🤔
Raise the limb does it fade? Mine does. I’ve been diagnosed with SCLE all over particularly on my arms and hands. After a hot shower angry red rings all over. Then when my body cools they get less red and angry.Never fade completely though.
Good photo. I went back to your posts. Looks like you are being worked up for autoimmune disease, right?
Take this photo to your rheumatology consultation. Even if it isn’t a specific sign, it going be related in some way, particularly if this started when you got other symptoms.
Do you mind if I ask your other symptoms? Positive tests so far?