I haven’t posted for a while but this pic came up on my feed so thought I would share with you all . Xx
hi folks : I haven’t posted for a while but this... - LUPUS UK
hi folks
So true . Hope you are ok keep smiling xx
Thanks SML - hope your doing ok xx
Hiya sweetie
How are you and your gorgeous fur babies 😘😘😘
hi svf 🤗🌿🌸🦋
So glad to hear from you again love. Hope you’ve been as well and as pain free as can be.
I love your pic the saying is profound.
Take care sweetie. Keeping you/everyone in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and gentle hugs plus abundant blessings hun.
EJ 🤗♥️🥰🙏🕊🌿🌸🦋
Says it all - succinctly - unfortunately for us Loopies. Best thing today - mahoosive supermoon of the year, called the Hunter's Moon. Worst thing today - Covid and Flu jabs - fingers crossed for no reaction from them. Thanks for sharing this profound statement and I hope you all have a great day 🙏
I hope your jabs went ok today and that you don’t get a horrible reaction xxx
Thanks for sharing. Hope you and the fur babies are doing well.
Healing and hopeful hugs.
So far so good; although my husband is suffering a bit - ironically. However he is having mop up treatment for cancer that popped into our lives 12 years ago, so that could be why he is suffering from both jabs 🙏 have a good weekend in so far as you can 👍