So if anyone remembers I was having more bloods done for vitamin deficiency’s.
Well saw my doctor yesterday and they were fine she was very pleased with them, I started crying because it’s so hard not having a diagnosis yet , yet I’ve had so many things happening to me for a while now .
She wanted to give me something for my raynauds as it’s quite bad but she is aware I have balance problems I find it hard to walk ins straight line and constantly feel light headed some days are different though.
We are both just worried now about my balance as it’s just not great and notice if I’m doing to much it gets worse and especially on my period I walk like I’m drunk .
The good news is am waiting my appointment for the rheumatologist so that should be with me soon.
She checked my eyes as I mentioned the swollen eyelid and she noticed how dry they are yet I didn’t notice at all so she has given me cream to use at night .
I’m just feeling low as it’s all a bit too much and I think that worried the most is my balance.
Anyway me and my daughter are waiting to adopt a beautiful cat we are just waiting for the home check now then we can pay for her and sign the paperwork.
We are hoping we hear from them soon as we have everything for her and we have a lovely home for her and just want to spoil for her and give her the love and attention she needs .
I also think it will be good for me to have her just for cuddles and to have someone there constantly as my daughter has a job goes to college and works she’s such a good girl and a great help to me but she’s growing up and I miss having someone who needs me all the time .
Fingers cross we pass the home check and we can bring the cat home we are so excited .
Thanks for reading