hello .. this is an odd one .. I have always taken Zenvita brand but could t get the one recently and two brands tried have a dreadful aftertaste that makes me feel sick ..ipca and quincira .. so struggling .. anyone near experienced this?
hydroxychloroquine : hello .. this is an odd one... - LUPUS UK

Hi, I’ve had every brand of hydroxy over the years, the worst one was the Ipca. It not only tastes awful but it really upsets my stomach. I had to change chemists as even after to speaking with my GP they said they can’t guarantee the chemist not giving me that one. I finally found a helpful chemist who gets the zentivia for me. So far so good. The quinoric and most of the other ones have a horrible aftertaste, but strangely enough my stomach can tolerate them. I have no idea why this Ipca one upsets me so much.
Hi there. Different brands of hydroxy contain different fillers. Some people find they get on better with Zentiva, but others find different brands better - everyone is different. If you find that particular brands give you difficulty then ask your GP to write it on your prescription that you need a particular named brand, eg Zentiva - in this way the pharmacist has to try and get you that brand. If it doesn't say the brand on your prescription they are not obliged to do so.
I agree with you every time I get a repeat prescription recently it’s a different brand and I find it awful, extremely bitter and makes me feel nauseous for a while and light headache.
Hi My wife has been taking Black Rock for several years now. She says that she has had no problems re taste and no upset stomach. The manufacturer is specified on every prescription. Having said that everyone is different but it may be worth a try if you cannot get the type you want.
I can only take Zentiva brand or else I am physically sick, no problem here getting them xx
Zentiva is definitely my choice of hydroxychloroquine. Quinoric makes me gag…. My lovely pharmacy does try to get me zentiva but isn’t always successful.