Hi all, Hope you're all as well as can be 💕
I'm back again, if you've seen my previous posts you'll know this last month or so have been really difficult. In the end I had to go to a and e because the pain was so severe in my hips, back and legs and no one could help aside from rheumatology and there was no chance of getting hold of them so the Dr's and helpline sent me to a and e. Fast forward spending 8 hours there in agony having ct scans and xrays ruling everything out yet another person saying I'm in a flare and need to have help from rheumatology I was released.
Now my problem is my rheumatologist finally got in touch with me a week after this after yet again much pestering and she for some reason wasn't happy that I stopped the colchicine (however a and e advised it due to the liver enzymes being off the charts once again) she even asked if I had increased the dose whilst on it yet provided no instruction to do so.
So she once again said she didn't know what to do with me and even though I'd had bloods done the week before she wanted me to go straight to hospital the next day to have more bloods so she could view them before the weekend to check if I'm in a flare however I have not heard from her since.
My worry is though she seems to be adamant that colchicine is the correct medication for me however the 2 times I've been on it without steroids I've been put back into a flare and because she doesn't know what to do with me I feel like she's going to want to do another trial of this medication which will be the third time. Do I have the option to decline this? When I saw another Dr who's liaising with her he said if colchine doesn't work to try Azathioprine but she seems to be reluctant in bringing that up.
She also then mentioned that because I'm now waiting for a colonoscopy due to results from my stool that instead of it being suspected lupus/behcets like I've been told all along that it could be chrons which has thrown me for 6 as I don't have any of the symptoms I would of associated with that and more symptoms leading towards lupus.
Has anyone declined certain treatments? If so what was the outcome?
I just don't know where to turn anymore I'm in the process of losing my job aswell due to not being medicated or stable enough to return to work.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated and if you read through of all that thank you so much for taking the time. 💕