Since I started to get ill in 2016/17 with autoimmune conditions, I've acquired an impressive and still growing collection of loud tinnitus noises. Last time I made the mistake of counting them I got to 12 distinct noises and thought was best to stop and not know more.
They range from high pitch squeals, to low rumblings, to pulsatile whoosings and crazy spinning/churnings, and one which souunds how I imagine a ship's engine room might sound. And once they arrive they never seem to go. I seem to hear about four at any one time - often two in one ear, one in the other, and one sounds as if its in the middle of my head. When my brain habituates to these, somehow one noise seems to be substituted for another. I guess its simply that they are all there all the time but the brain switches its focus.
Last week a new one appeared. At first I thought it was the beeping of a lorry reversing outside but to my increasing despair it was still there when I shut window. This is so loud that I hear it walking along the main road at rush hour. I find the thought of all these noises (plus probably more) every waking minute "forever" kind of terrifying.
At the moment, I'm really struggling. Im finding it hard to relax, work and sleep. I cant drown out these noises (as too loud and multi-toned) even when I try putitng on four youtube videos at the same time - e.g. bird song and river, ciccaddas, Beethoven, and talking.
ENT have been worse than useless. I assume that these noises arise from the autoimmune and from associated conditions e.g. pulsatile ones are mostly likey result of neuro-vascular events like TIAS. But rheumatology have been equally useless.
I just wanted to vent in friendly environment. thanks.