Hi everyone, I need to get a Covid booster vaccination and also a Flu jab. The WHO suggests that it’s safe to have both vaccinations at the same time (in different arms) but I was wondering if there was anyone here with personal experience of having SLE and getting both of these vaccinations. Thanks
Having a Covid Booster vaccination and Flu vaccin... - LUPUS UK
Having a Covid Booster vaccination and Flu vaccination at the same time with Lupus (SLE)

Hello Maria. I would get each injection separately. If you have a bad reaction how will you know what caused it?
Friday I had tetanus. My Dr said come back in 2 weeks for flu then another 2 weeks for Covid. Although I’m still on the fence as to whether I will get Covid vaccine as it never stopped me from getting it. Best to you
I had both vaccines together last Monday, i had to get both in same arm as i have had lumpectomy with lymph node removed.
I had a sore arm for a few days and i was a wee bit more tired but otherwise I have been fine . I was told the last time to keep moving my arm , might help ?
The covid jab this time made me feel quite poorly for a few days, so I am glad I didnt have them together.
I had my covid vaccine 2 weeks ago, the only thing I felt was slightly more tired for a few days, more so than normal. And I’ve had my flu vaccine this morning, so far so good but I may end up with a slightly sore arm 🤷♀️ As others have said, if you feel really poorly how would you know which one caused it? Hopefully you’ll have no problem with either vaccine.
I have had both vaccines together more than once now with minor side effects. Just the usual tiredness and achey arm. Everyone reacts differently of course so have them done separately if you're worried. Best wishes.
I’ve had both together and separately. When I’ve had them together the usual achy arm wasn’t as bad. I’ve only been a little tired and dizzy once with the Covid jab so really I’ve been lucky and not suffered whether they’ve been given separately or on their own. Good Luck .
Hi MariaVT,I just had mine both I previously had it separately no issues never had issues with COVID or flu jabs affecting me. It has always been the problem with any any vaccines never showed any immunity to it so I don't really know if I actually have any hold of immunity to any COVID or flu vaccines. Not achs no pains no nothing.no arm ache either. Guess everyone is different.
I am having mine separately as I react badly to the Covid jab. It knocks me for six for a couple of days whereas the flu jab just makes me extra achy and tired. I couldn’t afford to have them together and be even more poorly than normal.
This time last year I had both covid and flu jabs on the same day and had a Lupus flare in the days following. Not a bad one, but as you can see from the above, we're all different. This year I had flu one week and covid jab (Pfizer) the following week with no problems at all. Toss of the coin! Good luck. 🍀
I had two of them together last year on different arms, I had no reaction at all.
I have had both together. I was concerned but it was fine - I had no issues.
Here in the south of Scotland we are given both jabs (in different arms) at the same time. They have always done this since Covid arrived. I have SLE and have never had a problem until this year because I’m still in flare (since February this year) and the rash was only just beginning to fade when the jabs caused it flare again! But fortunately it was short-lived. My Rheumy nurse, who instructed me how to give myself MTX jabs only 2 days later, said many of his patients flare after the jabs. BUT as Mrs Marigold says, how do we know which one caused it? I think it is the Covid one myself, because flu jabs before Covid came along never caused a problem at all whether in flare or not. I hope it all goes well for you. Xx
Hi Maria....... My Consultant advised me to have them a week to ten days apart , having together would not help if you had a reaction
Hope that helps
Has anyone seen any studies that covid boosters help?