Firstly this is my gorgeous boy Finlay, who has arrived back from his excursions with the dog walker absolutely filthy and now I can see why 😁He really makes my heart smile and is a real sunshine injection on these dark, wet days of “ summer” in the UK.
Secondly I just wanted to update you all on my trip to the private hospital for a consultation about the awful pelvic pain and severe agitation, jerking, heart racing, sweating and then shivering which leaves me sleep deprived. The Urogynaecologist I saw was 100% sure that my issue is not gynaecological but neuropathy. She questioned me thoroughly firing questions about symptoms I had not got around to telling her. She told me there is no cure and no pharmaceuticals will help but there are nerve blockers in the pudendal nerve through the vagina, perineum or anus 😳 that work for some. She said CBT also can help. She has referred me to an Anaesthetist specialising entirely in pain control and I am seeing her on Tuesday.
While I am apprehensive that this pain will be with me for the rest of my life, at least I now know what it is and there is a hope that it can be eased if not eradicated . I feel a sense of relief to be believed. I had a sense that it was not Gynaecological and the 2 year NHS waiting list made me worry that I would suffer for two years only to find they couldn’t help.
To make you lovely lot laugh I will post a response below with an hilarious photo of Finlay and his pal Loki. He really is a tonic.
Baton down the hatches everyone and stay safe in the storm. Much love to you all xxx