Hi all,
I have really been struggling with UCTD. I have been on hydroxy for the last 3 plus years with no tangible benefits. The symptoms are constant, really debilitating. Widespread pain and horrible fatigue, dry mouth and eyes and nerve pain ( burning feet and hands especially at night), sensitivity to cold. Yesterday after a couple of hours work, I struggled to walk home with extreme fatigue, my eyes were almost closing, feeling sleepy and numb. My sleep is disturbed with no or little quality. I am aware how UCTD affects my mood. I find my mood really low when fatigue is at its worst. I try to practice mindfulness to accept and cope.
I am a single mum, working part time. My work gives me a sense of purpose and I find it rewarding and meaningful. I am struggling physically, financially and psychologically and don't know how long more I can keep going like this. I prioritise work and my child's care. Mostly unable to attend cleaning etc, do very little. Doing chores is an everyday struggle.
I am thinking of applying for PIP. I tired it in the past but didn't get enough points to qualify. I'd like to apply again. I am wondering whether any of you who are also trying to manage work with an autoimmune condition were able to get PIP. Your thoughts and advice are much appreciated.
Stay well and strong.