Hi. I joined this group because I really need help and advice on how to deal with my health issue and the fact I feel I am not being taken seriously. Throughout my life I've had periods of anxiety and depression, but have otherwise been pretty healthy all in all. About 4 or 5 years ago I began to notice that I was feeling tired a lot of the time. I tried to rest as much as I could, but nothing seemed to help. It would start with me feeling a bit under the weather and would result in me feeling wiped out for days, weeks or even months t a time. Next thing I started to get a lot of kidney issues and had suspected kidney stones on multiple occasions. Around the same time I began to get a lot of coldsores (mainly in my nose) and peeling skin on my palate. I also seemed to develop allergies to things that I had previously been ok with.
About 2 years ago I started to suffer with my joints. It seemed to be off the back of a time when me and my husband went for a walk one day. It was boiling hot and we got lost. We walked for hours and my sandals began to rub my feet. Because of that I was walking on the outside edge of my feet. The next day I woke up practically unable to walk. This lasted about 6 weeks and after that my joints seemed to take it in turns - or all play up together. At this point everything still seemed a bit vague and something that could be fixed with healthy eating etc. I then started to see a pattern emerge were the feeling under the weather, coldsores and joint pain/swelling/bruising would just happen. I could literally be fine when I woke up in the morning and by lunchtime I'd feel like a steam train had hit me. interestingly though, exactly the opposite could happen too - I could be in pain etc for weeks and suddenly (literally) be completely pain free and feel fine.
Last year I had a severe allergic reaction after drinking an energy drink I had bought on my way to the gym. I was lucky in that a pharmacist saw what was happening and I was taken to hospital just in time. That was never followed up. I was simply told to carry an epipen and not to drink that drink again!
Since that has been the same old-same old pretty much. I'll have flare-up and then be ok; I'll react to a washing powder and then be ok; I'll have a rash on my chest or foot for no apparent reason, my whole body will itch or feel like my skin is on fire - and then I'll be ok; my veins in my wrists will swell and feel as if I have battery acid for blood - and then be ok.....
2 months ago I called my GP in tears. I was so sick to death of feeling tired, of being in pain and generally not knowing if whatever this was, was going to go away. The answer I got was "well, it could be fibromyalgia I suppose. Lets see how you get on with HRT for a couple of month. I think you'll find that will be a big help. We can also give you some antidepressants. Failing that we can think about a rheumatologist - but let's give it a few more month. I declined the antidepressants and chose to ignore what may as well have been, yet another pat on the head by someone who clearly thinks I'm a crank. I ran with the very provisional diagnosis and set about looking for ways to reduce stress and look after myself.
Now the HRT has been a god-send in terms of some unpleasant perimenopausal symptoms I was having, but not the pain. About a month ago I decided I needed to step-up my self-help efforts and planned a spa night for myself. I bought some really nice bath salts plus lotions and potions for both in and out of the bath. I stuck cucumber on my eyes and felt sure I'd soon be transformed into a vision of youth.
Now I'm not sure what your vision of youth is, but I bet its not something that could be mistaken for a sumo-wrestler that been stung by a swarm of bees and beat up by Mike Tyson - all after eating something very dodgy! I was literally unrecognisable. My whole body, but especially my face and legs had swelled massively. I could barely open my eyes. I had a rash on my face and blisters on my neck and chest. My skin on my legs had cracked, meaning the fake tan I'd plastered myself in was now making me look like tiger bread. I wasn't feeling much like being patted on my bloated and blistered head, so I decided to go to a private GP instead of my own. I was prescribed Prednisolone and given an emergency referral to an allergy specialist. The questions were all very specific: are you allergic to insect bites/stings? Medications? Foods? Anyone in your family have autoimmune diseases? Does this happen/. Does that happen? What was in the cream? Blah, blah, blah........"it iOS not a straight allergy. This is autoimmune. You are having an allergic reaction, but because of what is going on inside. We need to start you on some medication while we take you off the steroids and check what happens. After that we can do testing."
Me being me I couldn't help but doing my usual research in hope of hints and tips for self-help mode. Pretty much everything I came across said lupus. I sent an email to the clinic to ask if this was what was being suspected and I was offered an appointment the very next day to discuss. The word Lupus was not mentioned. I was simply given an explanation as to how it would manifest and why I was given the medication I had. I was also told that as the steroid dose is reduced I should expect my symptoms to return, if in fact it is autoimmune. I am now hopefully very close to stopping the prednisolone. The dose had to be reduced very gradually because I was having issues with my heart rate becoming erratic. I'm now at 7mg/day. The rash on my face has started to return and actually looks like weeping coldsores next to my nose. it can't be coldsores because He put me on a high dose of valaciclovir. The sores in my nose and mouth can't be coldsores either, for the very same reason. The blisters and blotches on my neck keep showing back up, but this seems to be lasting less than a day at a time. The pain in my joints is also coming back - as is the burning in my veins. My stomach is just starting to give me trouble again and the ringing in my ears is off the charts.
What do you think? Is it possible I have lupus and my symptoms are returning because my steroid dose has reduced? If so, is it still possible for me to have the stomach issues and skin rash, despite him also prescribing me high strength anti-histamines and another medication for my stomach? OR, am I a crank who deserves a pat on the head and a few "there-there's"?